
Wealth Generation

This Month

Investment platforms hope to capitalise on young investors’ penchant for ETFs.

No Boomers allowed in this new superannuation offering

Investment platform Pearler hopes to appeal to younger savers by allowing them to build ETF-only retirement portfolios. Oh, and no Boomers allowed.

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway famously doesn’t pay dividends. But it owns companies that do.

Dividend investing isn’t dead. These 4 charts and 8 stocks prove it

Dividend yields have plunged, putting a beloved investment strategy in danger. But four charts show that Warren Buffett and the dividend critics may be wrong.

Property investing gives you great leverage and a home to call your own, while shares offer a lower entry point, diversification, and greater liquidity.

Five shares that have outperformed property over the past five years

Property will always have a place in a well-rounded investment strategy, but the idea that it is the only way to build wealth is outdated.

What’s inside your ETFs?

Check whether you’re making this ETF investing mistake

Overlap occurs when you’re invested in too many similar ETFs and can result in duplicate fees and less diversification.


Five things those who retire early have in common, other than good pay

Want to say goodbye to working for a living? Make sure you understand why first, and then it’s time to get out the calculator.

The major banks moved quickly to announce they would pass on the Reserve Bank of Australia’s rate cut in full.

How to use the rate cut to slice nearly $100,000 off your mortgage

Clever borrowers could shave off up to two years and about $96,000 from a $1 million mortgage with just one simple step.

Couples are dumping their wedding plans to buy this instead

These couples did the maths on how much closer they’d be to owning a home if they skipped the wedding. Here’s how you can too.

Elizabeth McArthur would rather pay the ‘singles tax’ than end up with the wrong guy.

The ‘singles tax’ stings, but can you put a price on happiness?

Studies suggest the price of choosing to live alone could be anywhere between 3 per cent and 15 per cent.


Simone Boer at home in Lara, which is 18 km north-east of the Geelong. She says property investing affords her a more relaxed lifestyle.

‘How I plan to make $300,000 in passive income by 50’

Even with an $8 million property portfolio, Simone Boer and her partner, Paul Kudilczak, can’t quit their day jobs – yet.

Rosie Wilson, a young investor.

How this Millennial plans to get wealthy even as a ‘forever renter’

What if the great Australian dream could be rewritten to exclude home ownership? Young people like Rosie Wilson are giving it a red hot go.

You should really pay yourself first, say advisers. Here’s how to do it.

Wealthy people tend to have mastered this simple savings strategy

Automating your savings so that on payday money is immediately funnelled into accounts to meet your long-term goals is one of the simplest ways to get ahead.

Aidan Saarman, Tony Saarman, Pauline Saarman and Taryn Saarman outside their home.

They own 8 properties but this couple still had FOMO for their kids

In a panic over property prices some parents are rushing to gift or lend their kids money for a home deposit. But certain strategies are better than others.

Trying to build a deposit in the sharemarket? This is what you need to know.

How to invest your way to a bigger home deposit

The housing market is not friendly to would-be buyers without help from mum and dad. So many are turning to the sharemarket for help.


ASX rises; Green Beret behind Cybertruck blast; 6 business trends for 2025

Read everything that’s happened in the news so far today.

The generational transfer of wealth in Australia is underway, but younger generations are struggling under the burden of high debts.

7 revealing charts about wealth in Australia

The generational transfer of wealth in Australia is underway, but younger generations are struggling under the burden of high debts.


December 2024

Want to retire early, head to Europe every year or work less? This formula could help you work out what you need.

How to calculate your financial freedom number (and why you should)

Do you know the rule of 25? It’s one of the core tenets of the Financial Independence, Retire Early movement – or FIRE – and a useful starting point for mapping out long-term money goals.

An advantage of shares is that if you want to avoid concentration risk you can buy the whole market.

What’s the best way to invest $200,000 – shares or property?

Both asset types have rewarded investors handsomely, but one strategy will net you $500,000 more – provided you can stomach the risk.

Trouble winding back your spending? Here’s what you need to think about.

How a family of five beat overspending to find ‘freedom’

Toui Lepkhammany and his wife Jen fought lifestyle creep – and won. Now their family is on track to reach “financial freedom” with a passive annual income of $140,000.

November 2024

The inquiry into the financial regulatory framework and home ownership is due to report by December 5.

Two tweaks would let first home buyers borrow $116,000 more: NAB

Changes to the way tuition debt is assessed and a smaller serviceability buffer would increase the borrowing power of younger buyers, NAB says.

Here’s exactly how much you need to invest a month to have $1 million by 50.

$1m by 50: What you need to invest each month to get there

Identifying the monthly sum needed to eventually reach seven figures offers a simple – but critical – lesson about investing.

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