
Quantitative easing

August 2024

A trader works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.

Market gyrations reflect fears about the unwinding of QE

Bountiful free money is not a “normal” state of affairs, and the sooner investors realise this the better. And that includes central bankers.

August 2023

Non-discretionary retail, such as suburban shopping centres, will experience cap rate compression but offer better growth going forward.

The asset prices tipped to grow in the coming year

Rising bond yields mean that the risk-free rate of return will lift and be a headwind for the pricing of all assets in the coming few years.

April 2023

The review needed to get past the current errors to broader questions about monetary policy effects.

These are the questions the RBA review should have been asking

The focus on the reserve bank’s recent errors meant that bigger issues of how to make monetary policy work more positively were overlooked.

January 2023

Treasurer Jim Chalmers must make structural reforms if we want no more of Philip Lowe’s medications.

Economy needs a personal trainer, not more pills

Excessive QE has made our policymakers lazy. Our 2023 resolution should be for productivity-enhancing reforms rather than constant RBA medication.

November 2022

Sam Bankman-Fried

Crypto sceptics are reading the wrong lesson from FTX

Greed and poor governance, not tech flaws or liberal use of emojis, caused the shocking downfall of the world’s second-largest cryptocurrency exchange.


October 2022

Andrew Bailey

BoE set to further delay bond sales until gilt markets calm

The bank had already delayed the start of its sale of $1.5 trillion of gilts bought under its quantitative easing program.

Cheap money massively expanded the proportion of  “zombie” companies listed on global stockmarkets.

Zombie collapse could trigger next sub-prime crisis

Previously protected by zero rates and QE-to-infinity, many companies may now be torched by inflation and expensive money where the fallout will be far-reaching.

September 2022

Reserve Bank of Australia deputy governor Michele Bullock.

Mired in red ink: Turns out the RBA’s money printing was no free lunch

The Reserve Bank’s $37 billion loss shows there was a definite cost to its extraordinary monetary interventions during the pandemic. Just as well the RBA can’t go bankrupt.

Reserve Bank governor Phil Lowe flagged the bank’s QE program in October 2021.

RBA’s bond buying experiment could cost $58b

The RBA will not pay a dividend to the government “for a number of years” as it nurses balance sheet losses relating to its bond purchase program that could top $58 billion.

Reserve Bank of Australia governor Philip Lowe.

A bit rich for governments to blame their central banks

Governments may be forced to acknowledge their own complicity in the inflation that they are so keen to be rid of.

August 2022

The policy of compressing bond yields well below inflation for the foreseeable future suggests that investors should tilt their portfolios towards assets that can match or outgrow inflation.

Why this fundie thinks a soft landing might just be achievable

As central bank policies limit the negative consequences of quantitative tightening, any downturn in the US and Australia is more likely to be mild rather than deep.

July 2022

Despite the current surge in inflation, long-term deflation could be back on the agenda.

Inflation may soon be tamed, but deflation has never really gone away

Central banks were right to hesitate on lifting interest rates when the world may once again rely on debt to drive growth.

June 2022

Japan’s economy is too weak for the central bank to wind back bond buying, officials say.

Why Japan is going the other way on bonds

The Bank of Japan’s plans to buy vast quantities of bonds is in stark contrast to other major economies that are exiting stimulus programs.

May 2022

Jamie Dimon says a recession could look very different to those in the past.

Why Jamie Dimon says it’s different this time

JPMorgan chief executive Jamie Dimon says the ‘storm clouds’ over the global economy can dissipate. But don’t get too excited – he still thinks we’re in uncharted territory.   

April 2022

Why is the short-end in Australia showing more stress than the US? There was simply more uncoiling to be done in Australia.

Liquidity drought amplifies the bond market’s frustration

The average daily range in the US two-year note is a little over 3.3 basis points; rarely has it exceeded 11. Of the 40 times this has happened in the past decade, 14 have occurred this year alone.

The BOJ stands out with its commitment to loose policy to boost a moribund economy.

BoJ resumes bond buying as 10-year yield rises to upper limit

The Bank of Japan said it would buy an unlimited amount of 10-year government bonds at a fixed rate of 0.25 per cent.

I’m not a dove, Lael Brainard shocked the market with some hawkish comments.

Why the market is convulsing over quantitative tightening

The Fed is balancing rate hikes with reduced bond purchases in a race to tighten. The mix it decides on will have major ramifications for sharemarket investors.

March 2022

The last decade has been defined by enormous bond purchase programs, including by Australia, a high-water mark in monetary history.

A seventies survival guide to 2022’s monetary puzzle

The 1970s coincided with major shifts in monetary policy regimes, and the OPEC shock. Will central banks heed the lessons of 50 years ago?

That the central bank QE programs did not drive the share market means the tapering of QE, or allowing their balance sheets to shrink, does not necessarily have a negative impact on the share market.

No need for investors to fear QE taper

Despite the narrative of how central banks have propped markets up with “excess liquidity”, when you analyse how QE works, that is simply not what happens.

February 2022

When it comes to household debt, Australia wins the prize for the highest in the world.

The reason central banks won’t ramp up rates

Record debt levels mean slow and methodical rises are likely, with a careful eye on vulnerable parts of the economy.

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