

September 2023

The power of data: Why polling is more accurate since Brexit and Trump

Pollsters were wrong about our federal election, Britain leaving the EU and Donald Trump’s victory. But if you don’t trust such survey results, think again.

  • Samantha Hutchinson
The Yes vote has been on a downward slide before the Voice referendum.

Falling Voice support might already be fatal: pollsters

Just 35 days out from the vote, polling industry figures have expressed confidence about the methodology being used to track sentiment on the referendum.

  • Tom McIlroy

March 2023

Former British prime minister Liz Truss says Taiwan should be given greater international status.

Political adviser accuses former staffer of stealing data

Crosby Textor Group has made allegations about Freshwater’s work for former UK leader Liz Truss, and it’s playing out in the NSW Supreme Court.

  • Max Mason

January 2023

Australian wine sales to mainland China totalled $25 million in the year ended June 30, battered by Beijing’s tariffs. Two years ago, annual Australian wine exports to China reached $1.1 billion.

Wine and barley are the best tests of the thaw with Beijing

There is now political will to end the trade stand-off between China and Australia. An anti-dumping settlement at the WTO would be a face-saving route for both.

  • Gary Sampson
Productivity is now in its biggest stall for six decades.

We must make this the year of productivity

The ACTU must realise that many of the proposals in a major new Productivity Commission report will align with its own goals.

  • Craig Emerson

December 2022

Anthony Albanese has a strong lead on his rival Peter Dutton

Voters want price caps and more gas extracted: new poll

The Albanese government is consolidating power and is preferred by voters to manage all 14 major policy areas of concern, except defence and national security.

  • Phillip Coorey
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Leader of the Opposition Peter Dutton.

Voters choose Labor on the issues that matter

Labor leads the Coalition in key areas of voter concern and is level pegging with the Liberals as an economic manager.

  • Phillip Coorey
Ed Husic has likened gas companies’ reaction over Labor’s energy policy to Facebook’s threat.

Labor in office proves not so business-friendly

The hopes that business may have held in May are now receding as Labor’s true spots emerge in the critical areas of workplace regulation and Australia’s net zero carbon transition.

  • The AFR View

June 2022

The 2022 election result rocked both major parties who will have to work hard to try to achieve a parliamentary majority at future polls.

How can the big parties win in 2025?

While Labor won power with party preferences last month, it’s hard to see how either Labor or the Coalition can win a Parliamentary majority at the 2025 election.

  • John Black

May 2022

Labor leader Anthony Albanese is hoping to replace Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Who’ll win according to the polls (and can you trust them)?

Pollsters have improved their survey techniques since their calamitous 2019 predictions. But experts say it won’t be clear until Sunday if they’ve got it right.

  • Hannah Wootton

April 2022

Self-sabotage: Anthony Albanese’s performance has dampened Labor’s campaign.

ALP still leads, but it’s getting tighter

Despite the self-inflicted wounds, Labor remains in front in a majority of seats. But with four weeks to go, Anthony Albanese certainly isn’t kicking with the wind.

  • John Black
Scott Morrison still leads as preferred prime minister.

The small target is not impressing swinging voters

Given a choice of two underwhelming leaders, undecided voters seem inclined to stick with the devil that they know.

  • The AFR View

July 2021

Scott Morrison and Gladys Berejiklian.

Berejiklian beats PM in poll – but Chant is the real winner

A new survey of NSW voters shows Scott Morrison bears the lockdown brunt as voters favour Premier Gladys Berejiklian. But they’re both beaten by Dr Kerry Chant.

  • Phillip Coorey

December 2020

Anthony Albanese.

Liberals are streets ahead of Labor in the suburbs: poll

Labor is struggling to gain traction with key suburban voters, with just one in three prepared to put the party first if an election was held today.

  • Phillip Coorey

November 2020

The rare public review cites Bill Shorten's unpopularity as a key factor in Labor's defeat.

Surveying too many Labor voters led to election polling 'fail'

Pollsters needs to adjust their methodology to gauge the views of less politically-engaged voters, industry report finds.

  • Andrew Tillett

October 2020

Those who identified as very comfortable or prosperous were also  far more trusting of the government and their fellow citizens.

Half of Aussies can't identify a positive political moment in 2020

A new poll shows Australians rate the response to the COVID-19 pandemic as a leading political achievement, but political engagement remains discouragingly low.

  • Tom McIlroy

March 2020

The poll shows 35 per cent of Australia intend to change their travel plans

More than one-third change travel plans due to virus: poll

Almost every voter is aware of the cornonavirus, the vast majority believe it will hurt the economy, and more than a third say it will affect travel plans,

  • Phillip Coorey

December 2019

Conservative voters in Australia may be closer ideologically to Hillary Clinton than Donald Trump, a survey has found.

Australian conservatives more like Hillary than Trump

The majority of Coalition supporters are ideologically closer to Hillary Clinton supporters than Donald Trump backers, a new study has found.

  • Bo Seo

October 2019

Prime Minister Scott Morrison discussed the FTA with Indonesian President Joko Widodo last week.

Why the 'quiet Australians' back free trade

Support for free trade among Australians remains robust across income, education, and rural-urban divides, according to two long-standing opinion studies.

  • Bo Seo

August 2019

The RBA is likely to cut official interest rates to 0.5 per cent by February, Westpac's chief economist has warned.

90pc of AFR readers urge RBA to keep rates on hold

The Reserve Bank should keep rates on hold at its next meeting, according to a fortnightly poll of The Australian Financial Review's readers.

  • Luke Housego

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