March 2023
Minority government likely for Minns as three seats sit on knife-edge
The results for Terrigal, Ryde and Holsworthy remain too close to call almost a week on from election day.
Warning sign for Aston after Chinese voters spurn Liberals in NSW
The top 10 electorates in NSW by Chinese ancestry all swung away from the Liberals at the state election on Saturday, mirroring a trend at last year’s federal election.
Here are the winners and losers from Labor’s NSW election victory
Essential workers, commuters, and first-home buyers will benefit from NSW Labor’s election win, while children, some construction projects are among the losers, while the gaming industry gets more rules but will celebrate the defeat of Dom Perrottet.
January 2023
Our 20 predictions for 2023 (and your chance to beat us)
The AFR’s writers have attempted to forecast what will happen in 2023 - and you can submit yours as well.
December 2021
Did the pokie industry just demote the NSW gaming minister?
Anti-gambling advocates claim Victor Dominello lost the sensitive portfolio because he wanted to ban cash from the state’s 96,000 poker machines.
April 2019
After declaring victory, David Leyonhjelm fails to get elected
The former senator's attempt to get elected to the NSW upper house was defeated by Mark Latham's One Nation.
March 2019
All Hail Gladys: How the Liberal Party won NSW
Facing possible defeat in NSW, Liberal Party leader Gladys Berejiklian decided to out-Labor the Labor Party.
NSW's female premier cuts women ministers
Glady Berejiklian's ministry will have the lowest proportion of any women in any state government.
NSW Upper house won't be known for 2 weeks
The composition of the NSW Legislative Council won't be known until mid-April, frustrating the minor parties in contention.
NSW 'set up for a generation': Baird
Former NSW premier Mike Baird claimed vindication from Saturday's election for his government's controversial decision to privatise large parts of the state.
NSW Coalition wins independents' support
Premier Gladys Berejiklian has secured the support of three independent MPs, which will probably give her a parliamentary majority of four.
Former NSW minister urges action on the rise of minor parties
"Anybody who thought they were a flash in the pan needs to rethink their position ... it's the Brexit vote and the Trump vote, but it's becoming bigger."
NSW Labor leader steps aside to save Shorten embarrassment
The Labor Party is pushing aside its NSW leader to avoid damaging its chances of winning seats at the federal election.
NSW infrastructure boom to get even bigger
The Coalition will keep building controversial big infrastructure projects after its election win but some contractors are cracking under the pressure.
Latham resumes work as an MP by abusing people
The NSW Coalition has secured a parliamentary majority but may have to negotiate with the unpredictable One Nation leader.
NSW to have slowest growing state economy by 2021
A downturn in the property market, high exposure to the financial services industry and interstate migration will combine to cause NSW to become the slowest growing economy in the country over the next two years.
Berejiklian must wrestle with a divided upper house
The focus in the Legislative Council must shift to cross-party bargains as the Coalition looks unlikely to achieve a majority.
NSW Labor leader fights for leadership
NSW Labor leader Michael Daley's leadership appears to be under threat, as challengers begin to mount their case in the wake of an election loss.
Barnaby Joyce threatens to go rogue after NSW election result
Barnaby Joyce said the federal Nationals needed to better differentiate itself from the Liberals after the party suffered large swings away from it in the NSW election on Saturday.
NSW Election 2019: Michael Daley's rock concert finish not to be
Conceeding the NSW election at a Sydney rock institution, Labor leader Michael Daley did his best but his campaign fell short at the end.