
Griffith University

This Month

Gas is a key source of planet-warming emissions but remains widely used in Victoria and NSW.

Victoria’s gas switch to cost households $5.8b: report

The Allan government’s plan to force people to replace broken down appliances with electric ones could cost more than first thought, according to new research.


Johanna Nalau, the program director of the Master of Climate Change Adaptation at Griffith University.

Postgrads enter climate workforce looking for a clean start

Demand for workers with climate skills is already increasing, as more job postings specifically cover adapting to the green transition.

Shark populations have continued to fall over recent decades.

Think there’s been a major rise in shark attacks? You’re wrong

Two deaths within a week have heightened fears over the ocean predator, but experts insist there’s been no significant uptick in fatal attacks.

October 2024

Six ways my MBA paid for itself

It can be hard to know whether the financial cost of the qualification will be worth it. Luke Shanahan has the benefit of hindsight.

Universities should be places of learning, not corporations.

How do our universities get their social licence back?

There are four issues that universities need to address if they are to revive their troubled reputations in Australian society.

Liberal-National leader David Crisafulli was bombarded with questions on abortion on Wednesday.

In Queensland, abortion rights are a mainstream campaign issue

Debate over abortion laws has reignited in spectacular fashion in Queensland as the state’s ‘Bible belt’ shows its conservative colours.

September 2024

Star Entertainment has revealed the sale of its old casino site.

Star confirms sale of Treasury Casino site in scramble for cash

The troubled gaming company has ended months of speculation, pocketing a much-needed $60.7 million from selling its Brisbane property to Griffith University.

December 2023

International students are choosing Australia because of employment prospects then struggling to get an appropriate job.

Foreign uni enrolments rise again amid visa crackdown

Universities say demand from overseas students is “going through the roof”, but a clampdown on non-genuine students will dampen temporary migrant numbers.

August 2023

Unscripted: Griffith’s assessment plan to combat cheating

Griffith University’s oral assessment program aims to deter plagiarism and rote learning.

Winning strategy: Rethinking the path to climate adaptation

Comment contributed by the joint winner of the Emerging Leadership category, Griffith University.

Winning strategy: A proven tool for faster student assessment

Comment provided by the winners of the Teaching and Learning Excellence category at Griffith University.

Studying music goes well beyond the classroom

Music students benefit from greater vocational direction and are finding new career opportunities.

Emerging leaders tackle climate and data threats

A leader in developing strategies to keep communities safe in a changing climate is one of the joint winners.

Conduits for change, unis prove their worth

This year’s winners of the AFR Higher Education Awards have three things in common: creativity, impact and social good.

April 2023

Former violinist and Rhodes scholar Ben Rimmer has been lured back to Canberra.

Top bureaucrat makes Canberra encore to help solve education turmoil

Former Canberra bureaucrat Ben Rimmer has returned to lead the development of the government’s higher education and research reforms.

Professor Sarah Todd, vice- president (global) Griffith University.

‘A mockery of the system’: Indian students dodge visa rules

The integrity of the student visa system is in question as universities and reputable colleges say poaching is rife.

January 2023

Tara Horner

How Friday afternoon email etiquette cuts weekend workloads

The vice-chancellor of Griffith University is asking staff not to send internal emails on a Friday afternoon, to create a boundary between work and the weekend.

The NSW government is committed to a gambling card to limit gambling harm.

NSW Labor can’t stand in the way of social justice on pokies

It’s the conservative side of politics that is taking the lead on a pokie plague that has alarmed communities and voters.

October 2022

QUT is one of only three universities that increased its estimate of how many students would enrol in 2022.

Unis suffer as older workers opt for jobs over study

The short-term outlook for demand for university study is very soft with mature age students, which normally account for half the intake, opting for work over a degree.

Afterpay under investigation

AUSTRAC hardens frontlines against dirty money

Work behind the scenes is producing financial intelligence and helping law enforcement and business to stop criminals from benefiting from serious and organised crime.

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