

Professor Schmidt, on his moon ball bean bag in his office, was the person behind Christopher Pyne’s “I’m the fixer” moment.

Outgoing ANU boss predicts greater role for private colleges

A 20-year horizon on higher education will be very different from today, says Brian Schmidt, who revealed his role behind Christopher Pyne’s “fixer” moment.

  • Julie Hare

Unscripted: Griffith’s assessment plan to combat cheating

Griffith University’s oral assessment program aims to deter plagiarism and rote learning.

  • Sian Powell

Winning strategy: Taking the honeypot away from cybercriminals

Comment provided by the joint winner of the Emerging Leadership award, UNSW.

  • Dr Katharine Kemp

Winning strategy: Rethinking the path to climate adaptation

Comment contributed by the joint winner of the Emerging Leadership category, Griffith University.

  • Johanna Nalau

Winning strategy: Uni of Tasmania makes climate change accessible

Comment provided by the winner of the Community Engagement Award, the University of Tasmania.

  • Chloe Lucas

Premium Partners


August 2023

Climate change: Our kids have some questions

The Curious Climate Schools flips the normal model of science communication by asking students what they want to know about climate change.

  • Alexandra Cain

Conduits for change, unis prove their worth

This year’s winners of the AFR Higher Education Awards have three things in common: creativity, impact and social good.

  • Julie Hare

Winning strategy: Bringing education opportunities to prisoners

Comment provided by the winners of the Equity and Access category at the University of Southern Queensland.

  • Professor Jim Nyland

Winning strategy: Following your passion as a vocation

Comment provided by the winner of the Employability Award at Griffith University,

  • Diana Tolmie

Winning strategy: A proven tool for faster student assessment

Comment provided by the winners of the Teaching and Learning Excellence category at Griffith University.

  • Danielle Logan-Fleming and Popi Sotiriadou

Winning strategy: Bringing AI to the task of medical imaging

Comment provided by the winner of the Research Commercialisation Award, the University of Sydney.

  • Patrick Brennan

Winning strategy: Collaboration leads the way in industry engagement

Comment provided by the winner of the Industry Engagement award, QUT.

  • Sara Couperthwaite
AFR Education editor Julie Hare.

The judging panel for the 2023 awards

Here are the judges for the 2023 AFR Higher Education Awards.

  • Julie Hare

Beyond patents: How to turn research into social impact

This company is hunting for programmers to recast medical imaging and disease detection in the same way that Uber and Airbnb have transformed ride sharing and tourism.

  • Agnes King

Emerging leaders tackle climate and data threats

A leader in developing strategies to keep communities safe in a changing climate is one of the joint winners.

  • Nina Hendy

Studying music goes well beyond the classroom

Music students benefit from greater vocational direction and are finding new career opportunities.

  • Nicki Bourlioufas

QUT partnership fuels renewables expansion

A partnership between QUT and industry leads the way with critical mineral production

  • Sian Powell
The University of Southern Queensland - coordinator Stephen Seymour

How this university won from educating prisoners

The University of Southern Queensland is offering education opportunities to 483 incarcerated students.

  • Christopher Niesche
Brian Schmidt who has been awarded a the AFR Lifetime Achievement Award for higher education.

Unis change the world, says award-winner Schmidt

Professor Brian Schmidt, the only Nobel Laureate to head an Australian university, has been awarded this year’s AFR Lifetime Achievement Award for his contribution to research and higher education.

  • Julie Hare

June 2023

Education Minister Jason Clare welcomed the policy shift.

Setting a new direction for higher education

Opportunities for transformational change and reshaping higher education


April 2023

Peter Coaldrake has won the  AFR Lifetime Achievement award for higher education.

The search is on for Australia’s best universities

Entries open this week for the 2023 Australian Financial Review Higher Education Awards.

  • Julie Hare

November 2022

Peter Coaldrake has won the  AFR Lifetime Achievement award for higher education.

AFR Higher Education Awards show universities at their creative best

The winners and finalists of the 2022 AFR higher education awards show their pursuit of knowledge, creativity and resilience are undiminished by hard times.

  • Updated
  • Julie Hare
Pure Battery Technologies process

Battery technology wins award for research commercialisation

UQ’s Pure Battery Technologies is a winner with its environmentally friendly process for producing materials for electric vehicle batteries.

  • Nina Hendy

QUT is a winner with Design Robotics

Queensland University of Technology wins the industry engagement category with Design Robotics.

  • NIna Hendy

UniSuper has redoubled support for unis during tough times

UniSuper has always been a source of support for the nation’s higher education sector, especially during hard times, says chief executive Peter Chun.

  • Mark Eggleton

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