


The countryside around St Vincent des Landes in Brittany.

Tea, tarts and tears: My trip to France to honour a secret

It took one brave family and the silence of an entire town to protect this writer’s mother during the German occupation. This is what happened when she went to meet them.

  • Rose-Anne Manns



Decades after tycoon’s death, his family is suing each other over a mansion

Tech tycoon’s widow says she felt ‘used and abused’ in a dispute that pitted her three children against her – and each other.

  • Duncan Hughes


Deakin University researchers are investigating whether natural environments have the potential to offset screen-related problems in children.

Toddlers spend three hours a day on screens, miss language learning

Spending more time on devices is depriving children of conversations that help them learn the language, a first-of-its-kind study has found.

  • Jill Margo


How will you be remembered? Here’s how to adopt a ‘legacy’ mind-set

Building a legacy – which benefits others and will survive beyond your lifetime – encourages you to think more deeply and for the longer-term.

  • Katherine Kam

December 2023

Welcome aboard DIsney Wonder! Your kids will love you for ever if you book a Disney cruise. But will you survive?

From baby races to hidden Mickeys: here’s what a Disney cruise is like

Finally, the brand’s cruise line has made its Australian debut. Our writer stepped aboard a sceptic. Not so his two children.

  • David Marin-Guzman

November 2023

The festive rituals of six high-flyers from around the world

Family is at the heart of celebrations for these globetrotters – no matter who, or where, they are.

  • Philippa Coates, Jill Dupleix and Charis Perkins

May 2023

Archibald finalist Eliza Gosse with her mother, Jules Gosse, in her Woolloomooloo studio in Sydney.

Do you talk to your mum every day? These three high achievers do

Successful mothers, successful children. All apparently happy with their lot, and getting along famously. What are their secrets?

  • Philippa Coates

The one thing you need to do before your kids travel abroad

Getting your offspring to give you power of attorney before they travel or work overseas can help you protect and support them if they are scammed or sick.

  • Duncan Hughes

April 2023

Wills made during COVID-19 challenged by courts

Documents signed electronically are being ruled invalid, forcing people to redo them to avoid problems.

  • Duncan Hughes

February 2023

 There has been a spike in legal cases between surviving siblings of blended families.

How lost inheritances tear blended families apart

Lawyers warn that parents are bequeathing assets that may have been sold by the time they die, creating bitter family rows.

  • Duncan Hughes
There are 1.5 billion grandparents in the world, up from 500 million in 1960.

The age of the grandparent has arrived

The ratio of grandparents to children is higher than ever before. That has big consequences.

January 2023

Elizabeth Hurley and son Damian.

Who are the nepo babies among us?

There are two high high-profile areas where nepotism continues to thrive: entertainment and politics.

  • Adrian Wooldridge

November 2022

Charis Perkins’ Christmas conundrum.

Rushing about like mad over Christmas? Here’s why you should stop

Where once our house was festooned with cards depicting donkeys beaming down on baby Jesus and the like, now I mostly get gold-embossed ones from luxury brands.

  • Charis Perkins

November 2022

The Philippou family home at 29 Eighth Avenue in inner northern Adelaide’s St Peters formed one half of the inline $2.31 million sale.

Selling an Adelaide property jointly with a neighbour reaps $2.31m

A family of five children had to sell their late parents’ home. What could have been a disaster started with a wedding and ended with ouzo on the front lawn.

  • Michael Bleby
Cate Cleve, with her daughters Lynie and Sadie, elected to do an online parenting program.

Learning how to be better at the most important job in the world

Parenting is a hard job that few feel prepared for and even fewer feel they are good at.

  • Julie Hare

March 2022

People who left Ukraine, wait for a bus to take them to the train station in Przemysl, at the border crossing in Medyka, Poland.

New Zealand allows citizens to sponsor Ukraine families

New Zealand’s borders are currently closed to all non-New Zealanders.

  • Lucy Craymer

February 2022

CBA chief executive Matt Comyn described financial abuse as a “hidden epidemic.”

Financial abuse costs $10.9b a year, report finds

CBA chief executive Matt Comyn says an advertising campaign will draw attention to support services the bank will offer to help domestic violence victims.

  • James Eyers

December 2021

Last Christmas “I realised what an ‘orphan’s Christmas’ really felt like,” Matthew Drummond says.

So what if your family festivities get stressful? It’s Christmas!

The true meaning of the season eluded me – until last year I found myself home alone with my partner and a cat who turned his nose up at my ocean trout roe.

  • Matthew Drummond

April 2021

Business Council of Australia chief executive Jennifer Westacott says childcare and parental leave schemes are not working for modern families.

Extra $3.5b needed to make childcare work for business

For every dollar we invest in childcare, we’ll get $2 back.

  • Matthew Cranston
The pandemic increased the amount of time children spent looking at screens but it may not be a bad thing.

Technology could actually be good for your kids

Ever since Socrates warned reliance on writing would limit social discourse, every generation has worried about the impact of new technology on their children.

  • Rachel Cunliffe

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