
Rushing about like mad over Christmas? Here’s why you should stop

Rushing about like mad over Christmas? Here’s why you should stop

Where once our house was festooned with cards depicting donkeys beaming down on baby Jesus and the like, now I mostly get gold-embossed ones from luxury brands.

Christmas hasn’t been the same since I gave up God for sex.

What a wanton trade-off that seems in retrospect all these decades later, but there you go. It is, in fact, the truth – or at least the truth as I glibly spun it in the ensuing years to friends who wanted to know why the daughter of a Presbyterian minister from a small mining town in South Africa had chucked in the faith she was born into without so much as a rueful backward glance.


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Charis Perkins
Charis PerkinsLife & Leisure editorCharis Perkins edits The Australian Financial Review's weekly lifestyle liftout, covering the arts, fashion, design, travel, wine, fine dining, sports, motoring and more. Life & Leisure is published online and in the Friday and weekend editions. Email Charis at

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