July 2024
‘Old people sometimes scare me’, says Gen Z
Today’s teens know they are missing out on some of the fun, but are baffled previous generations did so many adult things so young says psychologist Jean Twenge.
Are you guilty of these eight unhealthy ‘microaggressions’?
Such behaviour can have a serious impact on mental and physical wellbeing, including depression and sleeping problems, say experts – so it may pay to avoid it.
March 2024
The lawyers working themselves to death
The mental health of lawyers is under the spotlight following the death in London of a Pinsent Masons partner, who worked 18-hour days in the months before her death.
May 2023
Why US inflation will defy gravity this time
Financial markets should get ready for rates higher for longer than hitherto anticipated due to the absence of factors to cause a sharp slowdown.
April 2023
How this executive deals with depression
Cheryl Goodman, senior manager at wellness company Wanderlust, has learnt to recognise the telltale signs that she is heading into a bout of depression.
October 2022
The big name VCs backing Aussie magic mushrooms start-up
Main Sequence Ventures-backed Psylo is developing new therapies to treat mental illness modelled on naturally occurring psychedelics such as psilocybin.
April 2022
The threat of a global ‘buying strike’ rises as cost-of-living hits
The worry now is that anything people can cut back on – from eating out to summer holidays to new clothes, white goods, cars or gadgets – may take a hit if food, fuel and housing costs remain high.
October 2021
How an ADHD diagnosis changed this CEO’s life
Tech company founder Allan Waddell suffered from long bouts of depression and anxiety that felt incurable before he was diagnosed with ADHD.
Lockdowns leave young workers more depressed, anxious
Young workers have suffered the most serious increase in depression and anxiety over the past year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
July 2021
Australia’s richest families back brain mapping software company
Omniscient Neurotechnology has raised $40 million in series B financing from wealthy individuals, including Will Vicars and Gina Rinehart.
April 2021
How Australia adopted America’s bible of psychiatry
It’s time for a robust review into how America’s mental illness diagnostic manual, which has been fully adopted here, is affecting Australians.
December 2020
Regulator announces antidepressants and youth suicide investigation
An initial review, which found a correlation between the rising use of antidepressants and the risk of youth suicide, recommends a deep dive into the data.
August 2020
Use of anti-depressants in the young is under review
The national drug regulator has begun reviewing the worrying association between antidepressant use and suicide in younger people.
June 2020
Experts warn of spike in youth suicide as recession hits
Lifeline is anticipating a spike in calls for mental health support as JobKeeper subsidies and banking foreclosure supports are wound back.
May 2020
Most expect virus hit to economy will last longer
People expecting the impact of the pandemic to last for more than 12 months has jumped to 57 per cent from 46 per cent the week before.
January 2020
Nine ways to boost your mood
As more research uncovers new treatments and helpful lifestyle measures, the catalogue of ways to help alleviate depression or generally lift the mood is bigger than ever.
July 2019
Anxiety and depression on rise for young women
Across all ages, women reported higher rates of depression and anxiety than men.
Lessons from Britain's king of spin
Tony Blair's chief spin doctor Alastair Campbell is coming to Australia to pull back the blinds on mental health.