
Christian Porter

July 2023

Rosemary Gay, 76, says the resignation former attorney-general and social services Christian Porter, and former human services ministers Stuart Robert and Alan Tudge, will bring cold comfort to her and others victims of robo-debt.

social service of Stuart Robert, Alan Tudge

Robo-debt report cold comfort for victim wrongly charged $65k

Rosemary Gay’s life was turned upside down when she received a letter in late 2016 that said she owed $65,000 to be paid within 28 days.

March 2023

Mineralogy director Clive Palmer.

Palmer says mansion deal backs his bid for $300b in damages

The WA government might eventually regret slugging a Clive Palmer company with $322,000 in stamp duty on a house purchase.

Mineralogy boss Clive Palmer.

Clive Palmer launches $300b claim against Australia

Billionaire Clive Palmer has enlisted former attorney-general Christian Porter to his legal team as he chases a massive damages payout from Australia under international trade laws.

February 2023

Alan Tudge, former Minister for Human Services, appeared before the Royal Commission this week.

The cover-up culture that created robo-debt must also go

Officials who didn’t want to hear bad news, and ministers who wanted to manage the news, are the heart of this story.

Christian Porter appearing at the royal commission into the robo-debt scheme on Thursday.

Porter says he should have been given legal advice on robo-debt scheme

The former minister said he was never provided with internal advice held by the Department of Social Services

Former Human Services Minister Alan Tudge said it was unfathomable for senior officials to push a scheme they knew to be unlawful.

Tudge never queried legality of robo-debt, commission hears

The former human services minister said the program had been through a rigorous cabinet process with legal overlay.

January 2023

Former media adviser Rachelle Miller gives evidence before the robo-debt royal commission.

Tudge called for files of all public robo-debt complainants

Former human services minister Alan Tudge wanted individuals’ details to fight adverse coverage from “left-wing media”.

May 2022

Craig Cattermoul, the owner of Mexican restaurant On the Border in Mindarie in Perth, says addressing labour shortages and improving WA’s hospitals are key issues for him this election.

The councillors battling it out for the key WA seat of Pearce

A local mayor and a councillor are fighting for Christian Porter’s seat – and businesses say the race is tight, with fixing labour shortages a key issue.

March 2022

Linda Aitken is trying to hold the seat of Pearce for the Liberals

Coalition and Labor turn to women in WA battleground seats

Scott Morrison will campaign alongside Liberal candidates Linda Aitken and Kristy McSweeney during his first trip to Western Australia since the border reopened.

Anthony Albanese addresses The Australian Financial Review Business Summit.

Why business is pining for workplace reform

It is easy to talk a big game about consensus government in the style of Hawke and Keating, but Labor’s opposition to the omnibus industrial relations bill does not inspire confidence.

December 2021

 Josh Frydenberg.

Heads did roll: Rear Window’s 2021 in review

A year that started in court has had plenty of victims, some unlikely saviours, and the greatest boondoggle ever.

Christian Porter during question time on Tuesday.

Potential Christian Porter replacement locked out of WA

Former Liberal MP Peter Katsambanis says he cannot consider nominating for preselection because border rules are preventing him from returning home.

November 2021

Prime Minister Scott Morrison arrives at Bert Newton’s state funeral at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne.

Doubts increase over Christian Porter’s future

Speculation is building within the Coalition that former cabinet minister Christian Porter will not recontest the next election.

October 2021

Christian Porter says he doesn’t know who funded his legal costs.

Porter may still face scrutiny over secret donations

Liberal MPs including Treasurer Josh Frydenberg say clarity on the rules about secret donors is needed.

Christian Porter said he was unwilling to ask for or publicly reveal the identity of the donor or donors to what he called “a blind trust”.

Coalition shields Porter from scrutiny over secret trust

Labor’s bid to refer the former attorney-general to a powerful parliamentary committee was defeated.

Liberal MP and franking credits warrior  Tim Wilson has been given his big break.

PM’s friends and franking credits warrior promoted in reshuffle

Scott Morrison has elevated two of his closest supporters, plus the man who helped defeat Labor’s franking credit policy at the last election.

September 2021

Arrotex says its vaccine plant could be established within 12 to 15 months, enhancing Australia’s medical sovereignty.

Arrotex, India’s Stelis Biopharma in the race for mRNA facility

Arrotex founder and CEO Dennis Bastas is worried that with the exit of Christian Porter from the ministry, the onshore manufacturing race will grind to a halt.

Christian Porter says he resigned to avoid being a political distraction for the government and that he intends to remain in Parliament.

Can Porter stay in politics without disclosing donors?

It was unviable for Christian Porter’s supporters to think they could pay his legal bills and preserve their anonymity without further damaging his now ended ministerial career.

Christian Porter says he doesn’t know who funded his legal costs.

Christian Porter in legal hole he dug himself

How can something be unfair when it’s of your own doing?

Barnaby Joyce says Christian Porter should be able to return to the cabinet after a period in “Coventry”.

No reason Porter can’t return to the ministry, says Joyce

Christian Porter should be able to return to the frontbench, even if he never discloses who helped pay his legal bills, the Deputy Prime Minister believes.

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