This Month
Labor must be straight with voters: Kelty
Economic trailblazer Bill Kelty says the government should acknowledge that people are worse off than three years ago, as Labor makes contingency plans for a May election.
September 2024
Kelty condemns Labor failure on economic growth
Trailblazing former union leader Bill Kelty says the Albanese government has no plan for economic growth and no appetite for the big reforms to secure Australia’s future.
April 2024
Chalmers reassures on cash supplies after Armaguard meeting
The government wants Armaguard, together with the banks and major retailers, to deal with the challenging economics of the cash distribution industry.
March 2024
Coles hoards cash over Easter as Armaguard teeters on the brink
The Lindsay Fox-controlled monopoly has engaged former ACTU secretary Bill Kelty to lead negotiations with major banks over a rescue package.
December 2022
Chalmers must snuff out ACTU’s deplatforming of Productivity Commission
The treasurer has to harness the Productivity Commission against the returning curse of policy populism, clumsy government intervention and ‘sovereign’ protectionism that can only make Australia poorer.
September 2022
Kelty puts politics first, good policy second
Bill Kelty is a political genius. But his ideas are grounded in the world of three decades ago – just like Labor’s jobs summit.
Chalmers says 15pc super not on his agenda
The architects of the superannuation system, Paul Keating and Bill Kelty, say lifting the contribution rate is not necessary.
Keating, Kelty abandon 15pc super ambition
Thirty years after legislating compulsory super, Paul Keating and Bill Kelty have broken with Labor policy on superannuation and given up on one of their key ideas.
Kelty opposes super funds offering advice (but Keating doesn’t)
One of the fathers of compulsory super, Bill Kelty, is against superannuation funds offering financial advice – a position in conflict with industry super doyens.
How 10 mega super funds will dominate financial system
Australia’s $3.3 trillion super system will mature into 10 mega funds each with $500 billion or so in assets that will dominate Australia’s financial system and seek a greater say in the governance of corporations.
Keating, Kelty share secrets to reform
Politicians can learn from Paul Keating and Bill Kelty, the fathers of a compulsory super system set to hit three to four times the size of Australia’s economy.
Transurban ‘exploiting government stupidity’: Kelty
Australia’s dominant operator and developer of toll roads, Transurban, has been accused of earning excessive returns, but its CEO says it is governments that set the terms and conditions.
Kelty, Keating hit out at ‘no worse off’ tests
The architects of enterprise bargaining, Bill Kelty and Paul Keating, have blamed the “silly” no-worse-off tests of the Fair Work Commission and Julia Gillard’s industrial relations laws for undermining productivity and overall wages growth.
‘Better off’ test means most are not better off
The Australian Financial Review’s exclusive interview with Paul Keating and Bill Kelty effectively exposes how Labor and the unions have undermined productivity and wages growth over the past decade.
October 2020
When good tax policy is good social policy
Better basic tax settings would do more for female participation than showboating childcare policies.
October 2019
QIC boss proposes flexible super contribution rates
Damien Frawley says the rate at which compulsory superannuation is paid should be flexible, possibly ranging from 7.5 per cent at the lower end to 12 per cent at the top.
July 2019
Labor may dump 2pc budget tax slug
Labor is considering dumping its policy to slug high income earners with a punitive 49 per cent marginal tax rate, as senior opposition figures say former union leader Bill Kelty is worth listening to.
Kelty challenges both parties on tax
Neither Labor nor the Coalition have faced up to the key challenges facing the Australian economy, including fashioning a tax system fit for the future.
Bill Kelty urges cuts to top tax rate
Bill Kelty contradicts Labor's policy on tax and argues the Morrison government's tax package doesn't go far enough in reducing the top marginal tax rate