
The AFR View

The AFR View

Chalmers must snuff out ACTU’s deplatforming of Productivity Commission

The treasurer must harness the Productivity Commission against the returning curse of policy populism, clumsy government intervention and ‘sovereign’ protectionism that can only make Australia poorer.

The Australian Council of Trade Unions’ call to scrap the Productivity Commission because of its “long history of pushing failed economic models of privatisation and deregulation” is not just an attack on one of the nation’s great institutional pillars of rational public policy analysis in Australia.

It also shows that the modern trade union movement has rejected the economic reform agenda of the 1980s and 1990s that, under the Hawke-Keating Labor and then the Howard-Costello Coalition governments made Australia a less protected and more outward-looking and prosperous nation.

The Australian Financial Review’s succinct take on the principles at stake in major domestic and global stories – and what policy makers should do about them.

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