

WENTWORTH COURIER ONLY. EMBARGOED TIL MARCH 31. SEE EDITOR TIM MCINTYRE FOR USAGE. Bondi jeweller to the stars turned author Samantha Wills at her North Bondi Home. Picture: John Appleyard

All that glitters

Jewellery trailblazer Samantha Wills reveals why she turned down an $8 million offer to sell her brand and moved home to Bondi.

WENTWORTH COURIER ONLY. EMBARGOED TIL FEBRUARY 24TH 2012. SEE EDITOR TIM MCINTYRE FOR USEAGE. Jules King from Bondi Rescue. Jules now has ar 2 month old baby boy Thorian. Jules will take a break form her Lifeguard duties and the TV show to concentrate on motherhood. Picture: John Appleyard

Jules’ new horizons

Jules King won’t be on our screens when Bondi Rescue returns this week. But as Greg Flynn reports, she’s got a pretty good reason.

WEEKEND TELEGRAPHS SPECIAL. MUST TALK WITH PIC ED JEFF DARMANIN BEFORE PUBLISHING - Pictured is Ethan Rogers and Angelique Nisbet with their dogs Josie and Marcie at their courtyard unit in Edmondson Park today. Picture: Tim Hunter.

Best suburbs to be a homebuyer

Home prices are surging and sellers are calling the shots in most of Sydney’s housing market but there are still areas where buyers have the upper hand. SEE THE TOP BUYER’S MARKETS

House hunters line up outside the open for inspect for a home in Earlwood on January 23, 2021. NSW real estate.

Why property is the new COVID panic buy

Sydney’s housing market has become snared in an unprecedented home buying frenzy due to a widespread fear that’s driving home seekers to extreme lengths to get their slice of the Aussie dream.

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