

Da Noi

John Lethlean and Reviewer

The prawn-and-bottarga spaghettini of Da Noi.
The prawn-and-bottarga spaghettini of Da Noi.Supplied


Score: 15.5/20

THERE'S a huddle on the South Yarra footpath large enough to make up a soccer team, with reserves. And they're all clamouring to get into an Italian restaurant.
But which one?

Da Noi, the small Sardinia-meets-Victorian Melbourne osteria of Pietro Porcu that quietly celebrated 10 years of business this year, shares a party wall with a La Porchetta from Australia's largest a la carte pizzeria franchise. One naturally assumes that on a thermally challenged Tuesday night, all of this horde is on its way through the latter's doors, looking for predictable pasta and a small bill at the end of it all.


One is not quite right.

Half the mob is trying to get into Da Noi - but every table, every chair is occupied. Tuesday is supposed to be the quiet night for restaurants. Not here, not tonight.
Something is clearly going very right for this small, narrow, character-laden upstairs-downstairs slice of Italia in South Yarra; I would never have called myself a regular, far from it, yet Da Noi (it means "from us") seems busier than I can ever remember. Has much changed about the restaurant to attract more customers? Or have we, the diners, come round in greater numbers to the simple, decision-free charms of the place, antithesis to all those sleek dining rooms offering slick finishes and modern soft furnishings - but very little nourishment for the soul?

I suspect a little of both.

We grab our (reserved) table at the top of the steep timber staircase, an irregular space with room for six or seven tables, with some intensely sweet-savoury caramelised-red-onion focaccia squares on the table to nibble. It's downright cosy. And for those of us brought up on the inner-Melbourne Victorian terrace BYOs, it's a welcome, nostalgic formula.

Our waiter - there are many tonight but we have our dedicated man and he sticks to the script like glue - asks if we've been to Da Noi before. My guest says no; I say yes.
"Good," he replies with enough Italian accent to excite one just back from his country - home, surely, of the world's best food. "Then nothing has changed since your last time."
That's good news and, I suspect, what most people are here to hear.


Porcu, a Sardinian, opened the place with what could at best be called a begrudging menu. If it exists, few ask to see it. It certainly isn't proffered. What staff do is inform diners about the "chef's menu", a $79-a-head series of dishes that is, we're told, made up each day. It's not a terribly specific rundown; the meal will follow the lines of antipasti, a little soup, some pasta, a little meat or fish and, finally, something sweet. And after 10 years, it seems most of Da Noi's customers haven't the slightest interest in choice or menus; the loose little adventure in Sardinian regional foods that involves no more than selecting a bottle of wine (from a terrific Italian-only list) is their aim. Porcu has gained our trust - and is still worthy of it.

Offsider chef Michael Gwizdek has been in the South Yarra kitchen a total of six years on and off and he seems to execute his master's Italian concept with that same love an expat usually has for his adopted country.

The food is of excellent produce, unpretentious yet occasionally surprising and a world away from the food they're serving next door. And with a greater focus than ever before on Italian wine, the selection here - well annotated and not unfairly priced - is fun to sift through.

What follows is a series of well-sized offerings that provide a balanced whole. You may, at some point, wish for more of one thing or another but by meal's end everything comes into focus.

Antipasti arrive on four plates. Tonight, there is thinly sliced, pale-pink Western Plains pork neck, a lovely product handled with care with a surprisingly intense flavour and moistness. Its sheer nakedness impresses. Vinegar-marinated sardines sit on a kind of compote of onion caramelised with currants and pine nuts, the whole lot drizzled with vincotto - particularly good. And the fish theme continues.


Chunks of semolina-dusted, fried kingfish sit in a finely passed tomato puree, again with a touch of white-wine vinegar providing just enough acid for the tomato's sweetness: a lovely foil to the "meaty" fish. And finally, a piece of red mullet in an escabeche style, but with a rather welcome sweetness. It comes with big, fine slices of carrot, onion and bay leaf, all part of the "cooking" process and it works very nicely.

Antipasti and a glass of Sardinian white behind us, the next arrival is an intriguing soup: a chicken broth ever-so-slightly thickened with semolina, providing a fine grain to the liquid, and a dash of gorgonzola. Whole sage leaves add further lift to the liquid. Lurking below the surface, fresh oyster and shiitake mushrooms and slices of pan-fried quail provide the texture and flavour. Olive-oil drops jewel the surface.

The mushrooms don't quite say "Sardinia" but it works well.

Next is one of those dishes you want to eat again the moment it's finished: quality spaghettini tossed with a deeply flavoured prawn butter and prawn meat, finished with the salty, briny, grainy revelation that is bottarga (dried and pressed mullet or tuna roe, a specialty of Sardinia and Sicily). It has just the right balance of richness and salt with a long, persistent flavour of the Med. Fabulous.

The meat course is venison: an excellent piece of loin simply seasoned, seared and oven-finished to a light crimson, retaining a remarkable level of juice and the meat's fine texture. A single thick slice comes on a white-wine-vinegar-scented puree of chestnut with a little onion through it and a light-brown juice spiked with vincotto - and a few cavolo nero leaves. It's simple, seasonal and portioned just right. And the pacing of the dishes has been just right, something the kitchen can obviously control a little better than if everyone were ordering a la carte.


We finish with a platter to share. A slice of "diplomatico", perhaps best described as a vanilla semi freddo with a Marsala-soaked sponge core; a wedge of terrific, nutty flourless chocolate cake with a splash of creme Anglaise; a lovely red-wine-and-spice poached pear; fresh strawberries and amarena, the Italian, preserved morello cherries; and a couple of freshly made amaretti, the slightly chewy macaroons made with sweet and bitter almonds. What a pity it was too late to drink coffee.

Our last review of this restaurant just over four years ago detected a certain apathy and a sense of near-enough-is-good-enough. A good deal more rigour and professionalism is evident these days, without tossing out that make-it-up-as-we-go authentic Italian charm. And with time's passing, the offering now seems splendid value for money to me.

I can see why so many want to get in; I won't let another four years pass before joining them.

Score: 19: Unacceptable. 10-11: Just OK, some shortcomings . 12: Fair. 13: Getting there. 14: Recommended. 15: Good. 16: Really good. 17: Truly excellent. 18: Outstanding . 19-20: Approaching perfection, Victoria's best.

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