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Soft polenta

Neil Perry
Neil Perry

Soft polenta.
Soft polenta.William Meppem

Soft polenta goes well with any braise. The taleggio gives it a rich and distinctive flavour. If you're not a fan of smelly cheeses, leave it out - but it would be a terrible shame.



  • 250g polenta

  • sea salt

  • 100g unsalted butter

  • 150g finely grated parmesan

  • 100g taleggio

  • freshly ground pepper


  1. Step 1

    Bring 1.4-1.5 litres water to the boil in a saucepan. Add some sea salt and, while whisking, pour in the polenta until it is completely incorporated.

  2. Step 2

    Reduce the heat and cook for about 40 minutes at a gentle simmer, stirring from time to time with a wooden spoon, until the grains are soft and no longer gritty.

  3. Step 3

    Towards the end, stir in the butter, parmesan and taleggio, add a good grind of pepper and check for salt.

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Neil PerryNeil Perry is a restaurateur, chef and former Good Weekend columnist.Connect via email.

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