GraftonA dare at a barn dance was all it took for one northern NSW man to be swept off his feet with the woman he still calls the “love of my life”. The couple have shared their secret to a lifetime of love together.
ExclusiveTweed HeadsA Tweed Heads solicitor, who was acquitted of groping a woman more than a decade ago, has been reprimanded for breaching solicitor conduct rules and has faced disciplinary action. Here’s what we know.
ExclusiveCoffs HarbourA fire protection technician has paid up big in a bid to keep his job after a licence suspension for drink driving, where he forked out half his wage to “hire a friend” to chauffeur him to work.
LismoreA Northern Rivers councillor opposed to squatters occupying government-purchased flood buyback homes is pushing for council to turf the squatters out.