‘Stolen cat, f***wit claim’: Landlord murder trial told of bitter feud
A slain gasfitter once took his landlord’s cat amid ongoing hostilities between the two, a murder trial has been told.
A slain gasfitter once took his landlord’s cat amid ongoing hostilities between the two, a murder trial has been told.
Airbnb data has revealed the cool climate of the southern Queensland border and its tapestry of rich and vibrant wines to be a top destination among travellers. Here’s why.
The Great Keppel Island beach-to-beaches boardwalk project takes a big step, but not everyone is happy. SEE THE DESIGNS
A recommendation by planning officers to approve a controversial service station and coffee drive-through at the old Possum Paradise site has been rejected at Wednesday’s council meeting. DETAILS.
Experts monitoring water quality on the North Coast following a mass fish kill in the wake of Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred have offered a grim outlook as tests continue.
The crucial piece of evidence was missing from police records and changed the plans for the sex offender truck driver’s trial.
A doctor, previously ordered not to treat women, has had his licence cancelled after performing pressure point work on a nude model who posed for a book he was writing on pelvic floor exercises.
A rising TikTok comedian has hit a nerve by sending up well-known podcaster Abbie Chatfield in several recent online parodies, but says she stands by her style and has “no regrets”.
After much debate over the northern rivers’ rising housing crisis, a new residential subdivision to accommodate more than 170 homes has offered a glimmer of hope for prospective homeowners.
Organisers are confident the upgrades to the Toowoomba Showgrounds to turn it into an Equestrian Centre of Excellence will be complete in a matter of years. SEE THE PLANS
Squatters occupying government-purchased flood buyback homes in Lismore are facing inevitable eviction as the state government pursues a writ of possession in the Supreme Court.
Brisbane’s historic Gabba cricket ground is poised to host an Olympic gold medal event before the stands are demolished after the Games. Here’s what’s ahead for the 130-year-old venue.
A brave stalking victim has spoken out as her tormentor’s face and true depth of his harrowing campaign of fear is revealed for the first time. *Distressing.
An OnlyFans model and escort has revealed all about her second visit to a small town on the NSW Mid-North Coast town, where her online acclaim has seen her double her money with clients.
Original URL: https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/regional