All nudes is good news in TWD
SPOILER ALERT The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 6 sees some crazy plot developments and Rick Grimes nude up.
SPOILER ALERT The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 6 sees some crazy plot developments and Rick Grimes nude up.
READ about Seth Gilliam’s (Father Gabriel) time in the trailer with Negan and check out two behind-the-scenes videos from the episode that are exclusive to Australia.
SPOILER ALERT The crazy fan theories about the mystery helicopter in The Walking Dead that might get proved right in the next episode.
WE KNEW NOTHING, JON SNOW: Our look back at the early episodes of Game Of Thrones to reveal hints and clues as to what will happen in the final year. This week, deaths and babies.
Melisandre left Westeros on some sort of secret mission in the east, right at the time when she is needed to fight the Night King. She isn’t running away, so what is she doing?
Fear The Walking Dead unleashes an exploding poo zombie on the characters in a scene that makes the legendary Well Walker look like a tea party.
Game Of Thrones episode 1 Winter Is Coming is packed with hidden messages and hints about what is to come. In the first of a new series, we go back through the old eps and discover hidden clues.
GAME Of Thrones will film multiple endings so there is no possibility of the real one leaking out to the public before the much-anticipated finale.
BRUTALITY, bloodshed and intrigue — Fear The Walking Dead’s season three return had plenty of shocks and surprises.
GAME Of Thrones has one season to go, which means there’s a lot of loose ends that need to be tidied up and not much time to do so. Here’s eight “forgotten” characters we want to see return for season eight.
FEAR The Walking Dead returns on Monday, promising plenty of intrigue and lashings of zombies. With a double episode special, people are going to die. But who?
SEASON seven of Game Of Thrones is over but there is still one last season to go. However, there are two main ‘baddies’ who have to die before the end — Cersei and the Night King. But who goes first?
GAME Of Thrones season eight only has six episodes, which means it has to start killing off characters quick. Here’s our predictions for who will die in the opener.
GAME Of Thrones is finished for another year — and season eight may not reach us until 2019 — so what should you watch in the meantime?
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