
This Game Of Thrones scene proves Targaryen baby on way

WE KNEW NOTHING, JON SNOW: Our look back at the early episodes of Game Of Thrones to reveal hints and clues as to what will happen in the final year. This week, deaths and babies.

NOTHING will stop Jon and Daenerys from having an incestuous baby, while Lena Headey can start practising her death scene now for when Cersei Lannister carks it in season eight.

Welcome back to We Knew Nothing, Jon Snow, our examination of the clues and hints left for us in the first episodes of Game Of Thrones; the clues that reveal what will happen in the final series.

The final episode of season one, titled “Fire And Blood” gives us some vital hints as to what will happen in the final episodes, as well as some lovely examples of dramatic irony.

Daenerys gives birth to dragons in season one. It will be humans in season eight.
Daenerys gives birth to dragons in season one. It will be humans in season eight.

The big one, the daddy of them all if you’ll forgive the expression, is the interplay between the witch Mirra Maz Duur and Daenerys over the fate of Drogo and the death of their unborn son.

The crucial thing is, the witch says nothing about how her spells might affect future children. In fact, it is all about Drogo and how he won’t return to life until the sun “rises in the west and sets in the east”.

So, even though Dany has spent the last few seasons loudly proclaiming she can’t have children any more, the truth is there is nothing stopping her.

This is the episode where she births three dragons but, don’t forget, one got turned into a zombie in season seven, so that leaves the way open for a third child, as well.

And the witch kept rambling on about how “only death can pay for life”.

We know that either Jon or Dany must die to fulfil the prophecy of the Prince(Princess) That Was Promised. So will that be the key to their child? Or the key to everyone surviving?

It’s farewell to Drogo, who gets smothered by Dany.
It’s farewell to Drogo, who gets smothered by Dany.

Meanwhile Robb and Catelyn have a touching bonding moment, as they hear that father and husband Ned lost his head to Joffre’s petulance.

“I’ll kill them all!” Robb cries.

“We have to get the girls back — and then we’ll kill them all,” his mother replies.

Obviously that little quest didn’t end too well for them but the girls, Arya and Sansa, are now indeed back in Winterfell. So it’s time for some Stark payback.

We see Cersei taking her cousin Lancel Lannister to bed. Seeing as she explodes him with Wildfire at the end of season six, it’s not a match made in heaven. Still, it adds cous(in)cest to her usual incest.

Yet while Cersei is toast, there is hope for Jaime and Brienne, in his words to Catelyn after she attacks him: “I do like a violent woman”.

Lancel Lannister gets some sweet cous(in)cest going with Cersei.
Lancel Lannister gets some sweet cous(in)cest going with Cersei.

As for Tyrion, it’s more dramatic irony I’m afraid.

First he explains with a “C…” his father is, then he makes the mistake of telling Shae she can come to King’s landing with him.

“Be the Hand’s lady,” he tells her.

Oops. She is, while he is Hand. But then his dear old dad becomes Hand and, well, Shae becomes Tywin’s lover instead. And we all remember how well that ended …

There are some interesting scenes where Rickon Stark sees the ghost of Ned, as well as Bran. Sadly that side of Rickon’s powers never really gets explored, as he goes off to the Umbars and then gets spitted by Ramsay’s arrow. There is also a fascinating scene where Pycelle shows he’s actually pretty fit and is just pretending to be old and deaf. Yet, again, that is not really explored later.

We also hear Lord Mormont telling Jon that: “When dead men come hunting, do you think it matters who sits on the Iron Throne?”

It’s a line that Jon uses in season seven, so it must have made an impact on him.

The North remembers Ser Meryn slapping Sansa. And Arya delivers payback later.
The North remembers Ser Meryn slapping Sansa. And Arya delivers payback later.

We also get to see the first kindness from The Hound, when he helps Sansa, although he unwittingly also stops her from killing the hideous Joffre. That same scene shows Ser Meryn Trant slapping Sansa around. Arya gets their revenge, however.

There is some delicious sparring between Varys and Littlefinger, where they both show how clever they are. Still, it’s Littlefinger who ends up dead in season seven.

Finally we see Arya meet Gendry, threaten to slice open Hot Pie and even get a glimpse of Jaqen H’ghar. It’s a tantalising glimpse of things to come.

And there’s still six seasons of this to go…

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