

This was published 12 years ago

Public Service Watch: Transport and Main Roads portfolio

Details about confirmed and rumoured cuts from within Transport and Main Roads Minister Scott Emerson's portfolio.

Cuts already confirmed by government

On July 31, Transport Minister Scott Emerson announced 1970 jobs would be axed from the Transport and Main Roads department, including 600 at RoadTek. Mr Emerson also announced TransLink would be absorbed in the department, as flagged by

Queensland Rail jobs:
Transport Minister Scott Emerson said on July 5 he had ordered Queensland Rail to cut its corporate office employment numbers and to target the organisation’s “bloated executive”. The specific detail of the cuts has not yet been confirmed but The Courier-Mail reported the Cabinet Budget Review Committee had discussed the need slash up to 2200 jobs from Queensland Rail’s 7200-strong workforce.

RoadTek shake-up:
State-owned road construction arm RoadTek would “no longer take work away from private companies in major markets” such as south east Queensland, Main Roads Minister Scott Emerson said on June 13. Mr Emerson said his department would begin consultation with RoadTek’s 2500 staff and contractors, the construction industry and councils to deliver a better tendering process to drive savings for taxpayers. He did not rule out job cuts but exact numbers are unclear.

Rail maintenance cut, $1 million:
Transport Minister Scott Emerson said on June 1 up to $1 million a year would be saved by cutting back maintenance on the Monto branch train line, which had not seen a train for four years.

Rumoured cuts

Bus route cuts:
Date: July 16
Information: Claims that the government was set to strip $40 million in funding from southeast Queensland bus services, putting up to 500 jobs put at risk.
Source: Transport Workers Union, citing what it called reliable information from inside government.
Put to minister: July 16
Response: Transport Minister Scott Emerson's spokesman confirmed he was considering reviewing bus routes and services, but said no target had been set for savings. On July 24, Mr Emerson announced that underperforming bus routes that carried few passengers would be targeted in a six-month review of all southeast Queensland services. Mr Emerson said there were areas where a simplification of bus routes, destinations and pick-up spots could produce savings and efficiencies.

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