Local students taking A-level fast-track to Oxford
A private school in Sydney is offering British A-levels as an alternative to the HSC.
November 2024
Can you answer the hardest HSC economics questions? Have a go
We found 10 questions that most economics students couldn’t get right. Put yourself to the test with our interactive quiz.
August 2024
A 50pc improvement: Unis turn the tide on disadvantage
The winner of the community engagement category is reversing the fortunes of disadvantaged children in a partnership that has lifted HSC results.
March 2024
Crackdown on ultra-early uni offers in Year 12 to boost enrolments
Universities have been told they have to rein in the practice of making early offers of a guaranteed place to Year 12 students.
September 2023
Teachers are helpless to stop AI cheating
At least half of all school teachers have had to mark assignments they were certain had been written by ChatGPT, a government inquiry hears.
November 2022
Why early university offers may be bad for students
Early offers to study at university made before final year 12 exams have been sat are distorting the educational experience, promoting underachievement and adding to discipline issues, experts say.
February 2022
Year 12 students take foot off pedal as unis bypass ATAR scores
Universities are making early offers to students based on year 11 performance in a bid to claw back revenues lost from falling international student numbers.
Lack of information strangles students’ career choices
We need to rethink how we prepare young people for working life and maybe we should start by asking them.
October 2021
HSC enrolments show why STEM pipeline is hard to build
An extra 6 per cent of women in the workforce could add up to $25 billion to Australia’s GDP.
August 2021
NSW teachers put on notice: no jab, no work
NSW’s plan for the return to face-to-face teaching will see teachers who are not fully vaccinated stood down.
NSW students flock for jabs, but teacher vaccinations unknown
A total of 6500 school students were vaccinated in two days but the NSW Education Department has no idea how many teachers have had jabs.
July 2021
Homebush stadium to host mass jabs for year 12 students
Homebush’s former Olympic stadium will become jab central when 20,000 year 12 students get vaccinated in early August.
Year 12 students in Sydney hotspots to get jabs ahead of the bush
Pfizer vaccines will be redirected from other parts of the state to year 12 students in eight hotspots so they can return to face-to-face teaching.
Learner profiles prove that ATAR is not everything
With one if five students not completing school, work is underway to create alternatives to the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank.
June 2021
How schools are adapting to new demands from parents
Parents are taking a greater interest in what the children are being taught and their findings influence how they choose schools.
May 2021
Do the math: Private equity comes for edtech Maths Pathway
Mid-market private equity firm Belay Capital has been studying up on a new investment.
April 2021
Education needs to be evidence-informed
Innovation is not an excuse to disregard everything we know about effective teaching and learning.
November 2020
Postcard from a school leaver
Thanks for the sympathy but we've learnt to adapt and we're doing just fine.
Class of 2020: 'The world is our oyster, just not right now'
As final year exams finish, Australia's more than 180,000 school leavers are heading out into an uncertain world.
May 2020
How will the pandemic affect Year 12 students?
Losing weeks of face-to-face teaching has raised questions about how ready the class of 2020 will be for their final exams.