
Oral health

This Month

Your smile is the window to your wealth.

Why everybody suddenly has such straight white teeth

Cosmetic dentistry is advancing rapidly and life events such as an inheritance, redundancy or divorce can be the trigger for spending big bucks.

December 2024

Dentists say skipping the rinse after brushing allows fluoride to stay on the teeth.

Five health changes to try in the new year, according to experts

Here are some easy-to-implement tips we learnt over the past 12 months, from skipping the rinse after brushing to drinking tart cherry juice.

Genesis Capital deal makers Chris Yoo and Michael Caristo.

Genesis Capital amasses $350m for more healthcare deals

Doctor turned private equiteer Michael Caristo and his co-founder Chris Yoo have finalised a fund, drawing interest from institutional investors and families.

Drinking sparkling water can cause bloating and dental erosion.

Why sparkling water could be damaging your teeth – and your health

Most people know that soft drinks are bad for you. Experts were asked if the same logic extends to the low-sugar, naturally sweetened or unsweetened versions.

November 2024

Genesis Capital dealmakers Chris Yoo and Michael Caristo.

Grin and bear it: Genesis set for board control at Pacific Smiles

After an 11-month prolonged saga, Street Talk would not be surprised to see the private equity firm move to take majority control before the end of the week.

Alex Abrahams is back for more at Pacific Smiles Group.

Pacific Smiles founder backs Genesis bid…but he’s not selling

The dental chain founder says he’d be supportive of Genesis receiving board representation.

Pacific Smiles operates 128 dental clinics in NSW, Victoria, Queensland and the ACT and employs 800 dentists and 1600 support staff.

No deal: Pacific Smiles board set to reject Genesis’ revised $311m bid

Street Talk understands the board of the $310 million dental chain is set to knock back Genesis’ revised “best and final” $1.95-per-share offer.

September 2024

A boy at dentist.

Pacific Smiles CEO exits after just eight months and failed takeover

Co-founder and large shareholder says July trade was strong in part because some dentists cut back on the usual skiing holidays and worked instead.

July 2024

It isdealmakers at 10 paces in the battle for a below-the-radar small cap.

The PE takeover battle that is like pulling teeth

Once a board has decided a takeover isn’t about the highest price, it enters the deal-making twilight zone. This one is a doozy.

Health insurer HBF Health has committed to voting its 10.3 per cent stake in Pacific Smiles in favour of Crescent’s scheme.

Crescent tries to pull off the near impossible at Pacific Smiles

But the private equity firm has another ace up its sleeve. Influential proxy adviser Institutional Shareholder Services has thrown its support behind the bid.

May 2024

South Australia is the only state to exempt dentists operating in large medical centres.

New tax hit could push up cost of your dentist visit

Patients accessing dental services in large medical clinics around the country face possible price hikes from new payroll tax liabilities being imposed by state governments.

March 2024

Dentistry provides the highest salaries for graduates, but the lowest satisfaction for university coursework.

Dentists want exemptions as medical payroll tax disruption spreads

Dentists are urging state revenue authorities around the country to follow the example of South Australia and offer an exemption to new payroll tax liabilities.

Dentist Andrew Gikas.

Are you using super to pay for dental? It seems many are

Funds approved for dental work make up 41 per cent of all superannuation released on compassionate grounds in the 2023 financial year.

February 2024

Pacific Smiles has 120 dental clinics on the eastern seaboard.

Genesis Capital in Pacific Smiles waiting room as Crescent walks

Street Talk understands said the healthcare-focused private equity firm has walked away after checking out the in-play dental clinic operator.

Dentistry has been a happy hunting ground for buyout funds

Healthcare hopeful ADTY calls in potential backers for $50m check-up

A three-page flyer, seen by Street Talk, told interested parties the group has a pipeline of 25 healthcare practices ready for integration.


January 2024

Pacific Smiles has 120 dental clinics on the eastern seaboard.

PE-target Pacific Smiles may extract rival proposal, sources say

The ASX-listed dental clinic operator knocked back a $223 million buyout proposal from Genesis Capital in December.

June 2023

Martin Fine and Hannah Lewington are both more productive thanks to investments in orthodontics technology.

How this orthodontist cracked the productivity code

Martin Fine has largely avoided the staff shortages and drops in consumer spending plaguing other small businesses. The reason? Booming productivity.

February 2023

Dr Linh Huang says poor dental health surged over COVID-19.

The number of people tapping super for dental work doubled in a year

More than $171 million in superannuation was released in the 2021-22 financial year, but dentists say it’s due to poor oral hygiene habits.

December 2022

The fight for control of dental group Pacific Smiles will come to a head at an extraordinary general meeting next week.

Proxy firms side with Pacific Smiles, focus on CEO candidate

Alex Abrahams is going to have to do it the hard way at Pacific Smiles, after running into roadblocks with major proxy outfits ISS and CGI Glass Lewis.

October 2022

Pacific Smiles boss Phil McKenzie.

PE books Pacific Smiles in for check-up

Listed dental centre owner Pacific Smiles Group’s been left behind by the private equity brigade, but the question is for how much longer. 

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