ASX lower as renewed restrictions risks weigh on travel, landlords
ASX closes 1.5pc lower as investors reduce exposure to containment measures
The S&P/ASX 200 Index closed 1.5 per cent lower at 5815 points as investors adjusted portfolios based on less a revised outlook for containment measures.
Energy companies and landlords were the worst performers during the session, with investors favouring consumer staples and the telecommunications sector.
Travel companies were sold down, which saw Webjet, Flight Centre and Qantas all record falls in excess of 5 per cent.
The exception was Regional Express, which jumped 17 per cent on its capital city expansion plans.
In real estate, URW slide 6.1 per cent, Stockland Group fell 5.9 per cent and Growthpoint Properties dropped 4.7 per cent.
Among the oil and gas companies, Beach Energy lost 5.6 per cent and Origin Energy closed 4.4 per cent lower.
Demand for defensive businesses lifted Coles 0.9 per cent, while rival Woolworths ended the day near where it landed on Friday, closing less than half a per cent lower.
The renewed concerns of rising cases and slower exit from containment measures also hit online bookie Pointsbet, which fell 11.9 per cent, and a number of retailers, with Lovisa sliding 9 per cent and Kathmandu down 4.2 per cent.
Electronics specialist JB Hi-Fi and online homewares retailer Temple & Webster both closed higher, adding 1.6 per cent and 0.7 per cent respectively.
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