
Greg Earl

March 2024

Australia’s Indian diaspora: ‘Very aspirational and ambitious’

Indians are set to overtake British-born Australians to become the country’s biggest diaspora and are making their way to the corridors of power.

June 2022

Keating meets with President Suharto in 1994 in what was a golden era for the bilateral relationship.

What Albanese should do differently on his trip to Indonesia

The new prime minister is looking to adopt the Keating model and recreate another golden era for the bilateral relationship.

May 2022

The polls show Labor’s election win was set in 2017

Once Labor gained a plurality of nationwide state and federal parliamentary seats with its WA win in 2017, the stage was set for a federal win.

February 2021

Protesters outside Myanmar’s embassy in Bangkok on Monday.

Australia’s Asian challenge just got more complicated

For a government that is counting on south-east Asia to reduce its reliance on China, the Myanmar coup is just the latest setback for democracy across the region.

November 2020

Prime Minister Scott Morrison meets Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga in Tokyo.

Morrison finds common ground with Japan's 'Uncle Reiwa'

As two leaders grounded in conservative party internal politics and domestic economic management, Scott Morrison and counterpart Yoshihide Suga have much in common.


May 2020

Xi Jinping and Donald Trump, pictured in 2017.

Road map of post-pandemic Asia may look different

Leading observers on Asia are debating whether nations in the region will consider new approaches to diplomatic and economic engagement.

February 2020

President Joko Widodo.

Perceptions stand in way of Jokowi's diplomacy

Last year, after Joko Widodo won a hard-fought campaign to become the  president  in the world’s third largest democracy, only a third of Australians still thought their near neighbour was a democracy.

November 2019

Cat Thao Nguyen was  born in a  refugee camp  in 1979 and arrived in Sydney in 1980: Returning to Vietnam   was challenging on many fronts.

Vossie, Vossie, Vossie: 5 Vietnamese-Australians on the rise

The influx of Vietnamese migrants to Australia after 1975 was the second great wave of post-war immigration. Here are the stories of five high achievers.

Now worth $500 million, When Van Thanh Luong first arrived in Melbourne in 1982 he had to borrow 10c to make a phone call.

Meet the refugee eyeing a $1b float

Four decades after fleeing his homeland, Van Thanh Luong may now be Australia’s most successful Vietnamese refugee businessperson. We tell his story for the first time.

Refugee-turned-businessman eyes mega prawn farm deal

A refugee family that used CSIRO technology to build one of Asia’s most sophisticated aquaculture businesses is looking to repeat the play on Queensland sugar land.

May 2019

A voter poses for a photograph after casting her vote at a polling station in Mumbai during the fourth phase of voting in India's national elections.

India's voting star might be a democracy export

Electronic voting machines deployed to about 1 million India polling stations could offer secure voting in other countries dogged by claims of malpractice.

Modi has become India's most powerful politician since Indira Gandhi in the 1970s.

At the midway point, the world's biggest election is Modi's to lose

Greg Earl was one of the first non-government foreign observers inside an Indian voting room this week, giving him a ringside seat at the world's biggest election.

January 2018

Shinzo Abe and Turnbull's misfiring Quad finally finds a strong base

Prime Minister Abe now clearly recognises that Japan's regional security ambitions rely on a strong economic base and deep ties with allies.

May 2017

Disruptive Asia: Asia’s democratic dividend is hard to bank

Sitting through a conference recently alongside a young analyst from one of Asia's newer democracies was illuminating.

April 2017

Business groups split on foreign policy white paper priorities

The corporate lobbyists have produced eclectic ideas that don't necessarily provide a clear path for the white paper team to take up.


December 2016

The Philippines Rodrigo Duterte might be the Asian game changer of the year with his sharp tilt to China's Xi Jinping.

Narendra Modi, Joko Widodo, Rodrigo Duterte: the populists take charge

This has been the year when dynastic figures lost ground.

July 2016

Shinzo Abe celebrates his big win in Japan's recent upper house election.

Why Asia's festival of democracy should be celebrated

Asia's democratic progress is a welcome contrast to recent US and British election theatre.

Japan's Emperor Akihito, right, and Crown Prince Naruhito, represent a monarchy that finds itself potentially at odds with the Prime Minister on military issues. Akihito is rumoured to want to step down from his position.

Japan's emperor has upset Shinzo Abe's election victory plans

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe led his conservative coalition to a so-called super majority but what will he use it for?

A Chinese Coast Guard boat sprays a water cannon at Filipino fishermen.

Why Asia is alarmed over the South China Sea court decision

Twelve top Asian strategists explain why the South China Sea decision is gripping the region.

The question is whether new parties such as Nick Xenophon's NXT have the staying power to dominate future elections.

The long, slow decline of the major parties

One big question from the election is whether the rise of minor parties will continue.

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