
Global economy

This Month

Supporters of Marine Le Pen celebrate National Rally’s result.

When the numbers just don’t add up

MAGA in the US and National Rally in France are both making voters big economic promises, but their ideas have some massive holes, writes Paul Krugman.

  • Paul Krugman
Residential buildings in Shanghai, where the cap on prices of new homes has been relaxed.

China’s home sales downturn slows after cities ease policy

The turn in the trajectory of new home sales may offer some relief for China’s economy, which is on track to undershoot the official growth target this year.

  • Jeanny Yu and Tian Ying


Marine Le Pen after a press conference in Paris this week.

France’s election could trigger market shockwaves, BoE warns

The Bank of England’s alert comes before Sunday’s first round of voting. Polls now show the populist right potentially closing in on a parliamentary majority.

  • Hans van Leeuwen
Li Qiang led the call for trade openness and decried protectionism.

China’s ‘Summer Davos’ highlights corporate anxiety over tariffs

A surge of cheap exports and industrial production supported by the government has propelled China’s economy this year. That’s prompted a pushback from trading partners.

  • Katia Dmitrieva and Lucille Liu
China’s June 18 festival has proven just how hard it is to get consumers spending.

China’s unhappy consumers have even given up on shopping sales

E-commerce sales declined for the first time during the “618 festival” this year, reflecting pressures on retailers already locked in a gruelling price war.

  • Casey Hall
French protesters take to the streets to oppose Marine Le Pen’s electorally victorious National Rally.

ECB, Le Pen call for calm on turmoil-hit French markets

France’s stock and bond ructions eased after the European Central Bank counselled calm, and Marine Le Pen sought to reassure spooked investors.

  • Updated
  • Hans van Leeuwen
Raphael Arndt.

World is looking ‘more like the 1930s’, Future Fund warns

Australia’s sovereign wealth fund chief is reshaping its $200b portfolio as global risks hit a 50-year high.

  • Jonathan Shapiro
Competitors take part in the annual dragon boat race to celebrate the Tuen Ng festival in Hong Kong.

China’s broken housing market and a generation ‘lying flat’

While wallets were open at last weekend’s national Dragon Boat Festival, Chinese consumers are still not spending enough to get the economy out of its housing hole.

  • Jessica Sier
Elvira Nabiullina, head of Russia’s central bank

Why peacetime will be a problem for Putin’s banker

For Elvira Nabiullina, head of Russia’s central bank, demilitarisation could trigger the economic meltdown she’s worked so hard to prevent.

  • Kate de Pury
Police clear the streets during clashes with anti-government protesters outside the Argentinian Congress in Buenos Aires.

Argentine Senate passes Milei reform bill as protests rage outside

The bill is key to overhauling an embattled economy, and includes plans for privatising public firms, granting special powers to the president and spurring investment.

  • Nicolás Misculin and Eliana Raszewski
Chinese flock to Nanjing Road shopping district in Shanghai. Consumer prices have edged up.

China’s mild inflation fails to quell fears over weak demand

May inflation figures point to a mixed picture for the economy as domestic consumption picks up slightly.

  • Zhu Lin
After the column ran, Microsoft gave Bing a lobotomy, neutralising the chatbot’s outbursts and installing new guardrails to prevent more unhinged behaviour.

AI could end India’s dominance in tech outsourcing

This is not the first time an industry in the country has faced an existential challenge, although the last time was 300 years ago.

  • Andy Mukherjee
J. Doyne Farmer.

This physicist can prove that economics has it all wrong

J. Doyne Farmer, an American complex systems scientist says the world is more predictable than we think, and he can prove it.

  • Will Dunn
Chinese President Xi Jinping’s manufacturing drive risks creating a fresh China shock.

Why won’t Xi Jinping fix China’s dreadful economy?

Explanations for Beijing’s refusal to work on deep-seated problems include denial, ignorance and ideology.

  • Scott Kennedy

The GameStop flurry masks the market’s underlying angst

Investors are worried that the Federal Reserve is now overly preoccupied with reducing inflation, and could be missing signs that the US economy is weakening.

  • Karen Maley


David Rowe

The man who would help Trump upend the global economy

As a potential US Treasury secretary, Robert Lighthizer has more than trade policy to revolutionise.

  • Edward Alden
Nicola Willis delivers her first budget.

NZ government cuts taxes even as deficit widens

The tax cuts are almost identical to the pledge Prime Minister Christopher Luxon’s National Party campaigned on ahead of the October election.

  • Matthew Brockett
Bank of England: central bank independence is neither old nor particularly sacrosanct.

Why inflation will be back, sooner than you think

Central banks cannot be as independent as we like to believe. And they would always rather avoid a recession than avoid inflation.

  • Kenneth Rogoff
US Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell.

Why the most widely predicted recession was a no-show

US economists were misled by false signals, including a short banking crisis, an oil-price spike and resilient consumer spending.

  • Edward Yardeni
The European Central Bank and finance ministers imposed harsh austerity measures on Greece.

Greek tragedy of austerity measures is obvious

Readers’ letters on Greece’s austerity fallout; Australia’s Pacific relations; investment in nuclear power; South Australia’s green steel advantage; the need to retain cash; Telstra’s job cuts; and the NDIS.

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