
Gary Banks


Inaugural Productivity Commission chairman Gary Banks: I have to say I’m not sure how much more such reform our country can stand!

So-called ‘reform’ is working against the productivity objective

The government’s (self-)celebrated productivity agenda is mainly a spending agenda, indeed a spending more agenda, and avoids the regulatory reforms we need.


Treasurer Jim Chalmers has moved to streamline the Productivity Commission.

Productivity Commission’s independence must stay above suspicion

A new Statement of Expectations must contain no loopholes for the Albanese government to shape inquiries behind the scenes or politicise the PC’s purpose.

August 2023

Unfortunately, Treasurer Jim Chalmers was quick to dismiss the Productivity Commission’s recommendations in two areas where reform is most needed – energy and IR.

Australia’s unproductive productivity ‘debate’

Despite the stock of well-researched and publicly tested policy options available to governments, the potential to “do more harm” is as great as it has ever been.

January 2023

The Productivity Commission pushes back against interest groups to show the community-wide benefits of reform.

The Productivity Commission’s job is speaking truth to power

The economy is stalling because the voices that want to obstruct economic reform get more hearing than those willing to speak up for it.

December 2022

The inclusion of a 25 per cent across-the-board tariff cut when the Tariff Board was replaced by the Industries Assistance Commission is a classic instance of Gough Whitlam’s crash-through or crash approach.

Will Labor IR bill end like Whitlam’s ‘surprise’ tariff cut?

The Secure Jobs, Better Pay initiative also involves radical changes lacking in an electoral mandate. Whether such bold reform again becomes political suicide will hinge on the outcomes and perception.


August 2022

Bill Carmichael, former chairman of Productivity Commission, in 2012.

Bill Carmichael, the unsung hero of economic reform, has died at 93

Bill Carmichael, who helped instigate a reform process that led to the transformation of Australia’s economy, died in Canberra on July 9. He was 93. 

May 2022

Gary Banks says government must look at the Productivity Commission's 2015 report on the workplace system.

Talk like Hawke-Howard, sound like Whitlam-Fraser

Both sides of politics are trumpeting higher public spending, but not the productivity-enhancing measures needed to pay down debt and lift real wages.

August 2021

Playgrounds in Melbourne have been closed as part of the Victorian lockdown.

Good policy process a casualty of the war on COVID-19

The regulatory failures of Australia’s pandemic management include shifting goalposts, secret health advice, little democratic discussion and no cost-benefit analysis.

June 2021

Australia’s lagging performance makes the need for reform even greater.

The fruits of productivity reform wait for bolder politics

It’s said that politics has changed since the golden age of reform in the 1980s and 1990s. But that’s all the more reason to make the effort that seems lacking now.

May 2020

Reform must create more jobs in the short term and higher productivity in the long term.

This job-killing IR system has to go

Australia's idiosyncratic workplace rule book impedes job creation in ways too costly to ignore, writes former Productivity Commission chairman Gary Banks.

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