
Cyber Summit

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Penten was founded in 2014 and specialises in cyber security technology for defence industry players and the government.

AFR Cyber Summit 2024

Insights and strategies businesses need to safeguard their operations.

Cyber Summit - Early bird registration

Join the Financial Review Cyber Summit for the insights and strategies businesses need to safeguard their operations and deal with incidents efficiently and effectively.


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Penten was founded in 2014 and specialises in cyber security technology for defence industry players and the government.

AFR Cyber Summit 2024

Insights and strategies businesses need to safeguard their operations.

AFR: Cyber Summit at Sofitel Wentworth. Keynote and Q&A with Air Marshal Darren Goldie, National Cyber Security Coordinator moderated by AFR Technology Editor Paul Smith.

Monday 18, September  2023 photo: Oscar Colman

Scale of HWL Ebsworth hack revealed: 2.5m files, 65 agencies

Hackers have published about 1 million of the documents on the dark web, with some victims yet to be notified that their information was compromised in the April hack.

  • Edmund Tadros
Cybersecurity and Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil wants to make software safety akin to rules for goods like car seats.

Australia to lean on Quad to fix ‘wantonly unsafe’ software

Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil wants Australia’s partnership with the US, Japan and India to force companies to stop shipping products with flaws.

  • Nick Bonyhady

Why Australia is losing the battle for cyber resilience

The Australian Financial Review Cyber Summit showed a desire for national cyber resilience, but without change we won’t get there.

  • James Turner

The tougher regime for cyber threats that directors must heed

Boards face a tension between government calls to rapidly share information after a hack while fearing scrutiny from ASIC and cyber-related class actions.

  • Updated
  • Nick Bonyhady

September 2023

ASIC chairman Joe Longo.

ASIC to target boards, execs for cyber failures

The corporate regulator has put Australian business on notice that it will begin seeking punishments for hacked companies that hadn’t put sufficient protections in place.

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  • Paul Smith and Ronald Mizen
AI threats to cybersecurity will be coming at Australia like a freight train, says Air Marshal Darren Goldie, National Cybersecurity Coordinator

How cyber criminals use ChatGPT to make better scams

AI is helping criminals compose phishing emails and could be weaponised for much worse cyber crime. But it will also help to detect threats and create defences.

  • Updated
  • John Davidson

Sack staff who repeatedly click on dodgy emails: IT boss

Teaching all staff about cybersecurity is crucial , experts say. But what do you do with staff who refuse to learn?

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  • John Davidson
Former Telstra chief executive Andy Penn is leading a government cybersecurity strategy review.

Share information and manage cyber risks transparently

The string of attacks has been a wake-up call across business and government about increasing cyber vigilance, as reflected at The Australian Financial Review Cyber Summit

  • The AFR View
Deloitte risk partner, Rachelle Koster (second left) says critical infrastructure firms need to hunt down breaches.

Why critical infrastructure owners should think like hackers

Critical infrastructure operators need to adopt an adversarial mindset and be far more vigilant for threats, especially from supply chains.

  • Tom Burton
Banks are concerned that automatic compensation of scam victims will attract more criminals into the space.

Refunding scam victims creates ‘honeypot for organised crime’: NAB

Banks says they need to be cautious about compensating for scam losses, and want digital platforms and telcos to share the burden.

  • James Eyers
Air Marshal Darren Goldie at The Australian Financial Review Cyber Summit.

‘Transparency can be challenging’: firm delayed contacting hack victims

Cybersecurity co-ordinator Air Marshal Darren Goldie says there are times that being transparent about hacks needs to be balanced against causing harm and anxiety.

  • Max Mason
Westpac’s Richard Johnson, centre, and Telstra’s Narelle Devine (left) are two chief information security officers charged with protecting their organisations’ customers.

Why we may never know more on the Optus and Medibank hacks

Financial services companies and telcos are at the forefront of Australia’s cybersecurity fight. The problem is, they’re also the target of the worst attacks.

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  • Anthony Macdonald
Westpac’s Chief Information Security Officer Richard Johnson says he’s excited to work with the government to actively block cyber threats.

Hack back: Business wants government to join cyber fight

The government should use the information that companies gather on hackers to take the fight directly to cyber criminals, security bosses say.

  • Tess Bennett
Consumers hold organisations responsible if there is a data breach.

Four hard cyber truths all business needs to hear

Organisations that tackle the issue head-on are sure to gain a competitive advantage while helping Australia become more resilient amid the rising threats.

  • Ian Blatchford and David Owen
Government needs to be at the table as a partner and a leader, using every lever of national power to help keep our citizens and businesses safe.

Labor’s throwing six cybersecurity shields around Australia

Co-ordinated national action to make the whole more protective than the sum of the parts is the best defence against digital attacks.

  • Clare O'Neil
HSF head of APAC cyber security, Cameron Whittfield says many boards have not settled on a formal position about ransom payments.

To pay or not to pay? Boards undecided on ransomware question

Many boards have not yet formed a view on whether they would be open to paying a ransom demand, new research has found.

  • Tess Bennett
Former chief information security officer at CIA Michael Mestrovich at lunch in Denver.

The CIA’s cyber warning for Australian miners

The agency’s former chief information security officer, Michael Mestrovich, has some frank advice for Australia about cybersecurity.

  • Matthew Cranston
Cyber Minister and mother of three, Clare O’Neil, wants the vendors of software and internet devices such as baby monitors to be accountable for the safety of the products.

Technology’s dangerous-by-design era to come to an end

Cyber minister Clare O’Neil is pushing for Australia to join the rest of the world and shift responsibility for digital safety away from consumers and onto software vendors and smart device makers.

  • Tom Burton
Australian pathology business TissuPath has suffered a data breach.

Hackers steal 10 years of patient forms from TPG Asia-backed TissuPath

The global private equity giant’s local histopathology business has had a decade’s worth of patient requests released on the dark web.

  • Carrie LaFrenz and Max Mason
Narelle Devine, Telstra CISO in Canberra.

Women on the front lines of cyber battle

Meet the women leading the nation’s defences against cyber criminals.

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  • Tess Bennett
Kelly Bayer Rosmarin.

Inside Optus’s secret cyberattack briefings

The victims of last year’s massive cyberattacks have refused to tell the public what happened, but behind closed doors they are helping others avoid the same fate.

  • John Davidson

August 2023

Australia's cyber defences have to be strengthened to ward off threats of criminal attacks.

Law firms ‘choosing to pay ransoms’ to cybercriminals

Law firms “tick every box” for hackers, and more than 20 local firms have been targeted, according to a data security expert.

  • Michael Pelly
National cyber security co-ordinator Darren Goldie is in the process of establishing the way his role will work.

Medibank, Optus hacks hurt, but Aussies still at risk

The country’s cybersecurity coordinator Darren Goldie says protecting against hacks needs to become integral to people’s lives and the way businesses operate.

  • Max Mason
Mike Rogers, who advised US presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump: “It is very difficult to ensure 100 per cent that they will not penetrate your system.”

Don’t ban paying cyber ransoms, ex-US spy chief warns Australia

Former US National Security Agency director and cyber chief Michael Rogers has called for a shift in thinking on cyberattacks.

  • Ronald Mizen

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