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Green beans and hazelnuts with burnt butter

Neil Perry
Neil Perry

Neil Perry's roast turkey with ricotta stuffing and a side of green beans with hazelnuts.
Neil Perry's roast turkey with ricotta stuffing and a side of green beans with hazelnuts.William Meppem

A delicious way to serve green beans.



  • 500g green beans, topped and tailed

  • 60g butter

  • 40g roasted hazelnuts, skinned and lightly crushed

  • juice of ½ lemon

  • sea salt and freshly ground pepper


  1. Bring a large pot of water to the boil. Add enough salt so it tastes like seawater. Blanch the beans for 7-8 minutes or until tender, then drain and set aside.

    Meanwhile, heat the butter in a heavy-based pan over a medium heat until it begins to turn nut-brown. Add the beans, hazelnuts and lemon juice to the butter and toss well. Season with a pinch of salt and ground pepper and serve.

    Serve alongside Neil Perry's roast turkey with ricotta stuffing.

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Neil PerryNeil Perry is a restaurateur, chef and former Good Weekend columnist.

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