‘Creativity comes from being challenged’
The nation has become more resilient to change and disruption because of this year, says News Corp’s Michael Miller.
The nation has become more resilient to change and disruption because of this year, says News Corp’s Michael Miller.
Laws that will force tech giants to pay news media companies for the use of their content is a landmark moment for Australian journalism, says Michael Miller.
Jim Chalmers charged taxpayers more than $800 to travel to Sydney and attend Christmas drinks held by News Corp’s co-chairman Lachlan Murdoch.
The former PM boasts about ‘broad shoulders’ in dealing with critics, but it’s his glass jaw that continues to be most evident.
Here is a suggestion how two former PMs could better spend their time in service to the nation.
News Corp is ‘cautiously optimistic’ that technology giants like Google and Facebook will be made to pay for the news content carried on their platforms.
Perhaps if Rudd and Turnbull knew voters as well as most editors know their readers they might’ve lasted longer as PM before being rolled by their parties.
The nation deserves better from two former prime ministers.
Contempt charges brought over the reporting of George Pell’s conviction for child sex offences had a ‘devastating bazooka-sized hole’, the Victorian Supreme Court has heard.
Charges have been dropped against three journalists over the way George Pell’s conviction was reported.
A Senate inquiry into media diversity is expected to call News Corp Australia executives and editors as it examines the ‘independence and reliability’ of the press.
News Corp Australia has rejected former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull’s allegations that its newspapers blamed last summer’s deadly bushfires on arsonists.
Three journalists from The Australian were winners at the Kennedy Awards for Excellence in Journalism in Sydney on Friday night.
The digital publisher has seen a rush in demand for its news sources at a time of political and economic upheaval during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Consumers get a range of views about Donald Trump from News Corp media, but just hatred at the ABC and Guardian Australia.
Four journalists from The Australian took home prizes at News Corp’s 2020 News Awards for stories ranging from Chinese influence to bushfire recovery
REA Group is lifting its stake in Indian real estate advertiser Elara in a cash-and-scrip deal worth up to $99m.
This podcast asks what really went wrong on the supposed evidence that Saddam Hussein had produced weapons of mass destruction.
Australia’s biggest digital publisher has been leading the global charge to force big tech players to pay for news content for more than a decade.
I would have thought American governments just might have faced more dangerous moments than Donald Trump’s positive Covid diagnosis.
Original URL: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/topics/news-corporation/page/19