

Post-war order reaches a low ebb

Post-war order reaches a low ebb

Donald Trump’s blatant favouring of Vladimir Putin’s tyrannical regime could put countless Ukrainian lives at risk, depending on how long the ban extends.

Building on Eddie Mabo’s legacy

Building on Eddie Mabo’s legacy

It is time that billions of dollars in accumulated resource royalties be unlocked from charitable trusts and used to benefit Indigenous people’s economic development.

Macquarie must lift its standards

Macquarie must lift its standards

Dr Abdel-Fattah’s expressed views indicate how anti-Semitism – often masquerading as opposition to Israel – is embedded in our universities. And antipathy to political culture is its evil twin.

Senator Wong’s one-sided diplomacy at UN exposed

Senator Wong’s one-sided diplomacy at UN exposed

Penny Wong has never hidden her distaste for the way Israel is waging war in its battle for survival. She also has been upfront in her hopes for a reformed Palestinian Authority and the role it could play in finding a solution to the Middle East imbroglio.

A vote for stagnation and chaos

A vote for stagnation and chaos

The Greens and most teal MPs, in their ideological zeal, are prepared to let Australians suffer falling living standards by blocking new resource projects.

Competing views on universities

Competing views on universities

Universities will get the attention the nation needs in the imminent election campaign as the major parties signal distinct policies to ensure teachers and researchers serve the national interest.

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