Small uptick in growth welcome
It’s a modest start but, without a substantial improvement, maintaining and improving living standards will be increasingly problematic.
It’s a modest start but, without a substantial improvement, maintaining and improving living standards will be increasingly problematic.
Taxpayers are being asked to stump up millions in funding for controversial heritage claims. It’s time to reform these laws.
The President’s speech demonstrates other advantages he has in governing for the news cycle rather than the state of the nation after he leaves office.
Unfortunately for the government, to date Anthony Albanese’s green hydrogen ambitions are stalled with 99 per cent of a $100bn project pipeline failing to progress beyond the concept stage.
Donald Trump’s blatant favouring of Vladimir Putin’s tyrannical regime could put countless Ukrainian lives at risk, depending on how long the ban extends.
It is time that billions of dollars in accumulated resource royalties be unlocked from charitable trusts and used to benefit Indigenous people’s economic development.
Keir Starmer needs to emulate what Winston Churchill achieved from a position of military weakness in 1940-41, convincing US isolationists that tyranny must not triumph.
Productivity measures, not taxpayer-funded state giveaways, are the way to prosperity.
The first major defence commitment of the campaign has come from Peter Dutton and it is a good one.
The Australian Human Rights Commission should be keen to reinforce positive multiculturalism among the young.
The only winner from the unedifying spectacle was Vladimir Putin and his revanchist ambition to recreate the former Soviet empire.
Dr Abdel-Fattah’s expressed views indicate how anti-Semitism – often masquerading as opposition to Israel – is embedded in our universities. And antipathy to political culture is its evil twin.
Laboratory-raised meat and fish has great potential to meet demand for protein to feed the world’s growing population.
When the election campaign proper starts, the Prime Minister, the Opposition Leader and frontbenchers have a responsibility to focus on the difficult, complex issues that will determine our quality of life for years ahead.
Penny Wong has never hidden her distaste for the way Israel is waging war in its battle for survival. She also has been upfront in her hopes for a reformed Palestinian Authority and the role it could play in finding a solution to the Middle East imbroglio.
The Greens and most teal MPs, in their ideological zeal, are prepared to let Australians suffer falling living standards by blocking new resource projects.
Both sides of politics should follow the lead of British Labour Prime Minister Keir Starmer, who is lifting defence spending to fast-track Britain’s military capability.
Universities will get the attention the nation needs in the imminent election campaign as the major parties signal distinct policies to ensure teachers and researchers serve the national interest.
Targeting Peter Dutton’s personal finances is a grubby tactic that could backfire against Labor.
China, despite its ‘no limits’ alliance with Moscow, was among 65 countries that abstained. So did Iran. It is unfortunate that the US, if it could not support the resolution, did not do the same.
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