Voice risks continuing a long history of failure
Many of the Indigenous leaders pushing Yes have had a seat at the power table for years, receiving hundreds of millions in grants. Never mind a voice, it’s time for an audit.
Many of the Indigenous leaders pushing Yes have had a seat at the power table for years, receiving hundreds of millions in grants. Never mind a voice, it’s time for an audit.
Given the important decision that must be made regarding the planned referendum on an Indigenous voice to parliament, being able to trust the information that is presented to voters is vital, especially on the big tech platforms.
All universities and other civil institutions should use the Indigenous voice to parliament referendum to better involve Indigenous Australians in their own decision making, the University of Tasmania has flagged.
Tech giants such as Google and Facebook will decide what content will appear on their platforms or be censored in the lead-up to the voice referendum.
The ABC has taken the unprecedented step of reminding journalists they must be objective when reporting on the Indigenous voice to parliament ahead of the referendum.
What Labor is proposing with its Indigenous voice to parliament constitutional amendment is a shadow government based on race.
A separate referendum question on recognition ‘would provide the best possible choice for all voters’.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has flagged changing the draft constitutional amendment for the Indigenous voice to parliament so it cannot make representations to executive government.
The model is the essence of the Indigenous voice to parliament referendum, yet Labor won’t discuss what it envisages for our system of parliament and government.
Noel Pearson has declared he will ‘fall silent’ and ‘a whole generation of Indigenous leadership will have failed’ if the voice to parliament vote is unsuccessful.
‘All or nothing’ faction of Yes campaign would rather see Indigenous voice to parliament fail if it does not reflect their vision, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese adviser claims.
Indigenous voice to parliament referendum splinters debate among university students, as far-left opposers quash Labor-affiliated union campaigns.
The Opposition Leader has had an awakening — and has begun to assert himself as Labor’s agenda loses its gloss.
Let’s not squander our chance to advance these five key opportunities for the nation.
There is a story within Labor’s inner sanctum that when presented with the reality, it took only 30 seconds for the PM to change his mind.
Labor has failed to do the hard yards of informed advocacy. So here is some clarity and light on the detail of the proposed Indigenous voice.
Now it’s a voice not just to parliament but to executive government, and cabinet as well. No one has the faintest idea what our ultra-activist High Court would do with all this.
The question of who identifies as First Nations is one of many Indigenous voice to parliament issues yet to be addressed.
Changes to the Constitution ought not be directed by grudges, guilt, politics or emotion.
Anthony Albanese knows many of the people asking for details have ill-intent in their hearts. But that’s not good enough.
Original URL: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/topics/indigenous-voice-to-parliament/page/62