Study sweetens stance on sugary treats, not drinks
Eating sweet treats such as pastries is not nearly as dangerous for your health as drinking sugary drinks and may even be good for you in moderation, a new study has found.
Eating sweet treats such as pastries is not nearly as dangerous for your health as drinking sugary drinks and may even be good for you in moderation, a new study has found.
More people are entering the holidays with a mindful relationship with alcohol. It turns out this isn’t a total drag.
He has one of the biggest brains in the country. So how does Barry Jones approach life at 92?
The rich have more money than most to help stave off ageing. So what are they doing, mainstream and experimental, to stay in tip-top shape?
Vegans hoping to save the planet should stick to eating beans and avoid trendy alternatives such as almond milk and lab-grown meat.
She was one of the greatest Australian dancers. But in her 80s, former ballerina Marilyn Jones is no fan of exercise – apart from cartwheeling her legs over her cat.
Taking that first step to doing more physical activity can put you on the path to a longer, healthier – and independent – life. But you have to keep moving.
A new study shows that the ancient Chinese techniques alleviate back pain. This is why you should work it into your regular routine.
Red Bull and V Energy are running sophisticated marketing campaigns at universities across Australia and student unions are the gateway to campus.
Working out only on Saturday and Sunday is just as beneficial as exercising throughout the week. Here’s how to work out safely and smartly when pressed for time.
Skin cancer prevention is taught in primary schools, but once kids hit their teens, that lesson flies out the window. About 80 per cent of them think having a tan rocks. This may change their minds.
Some of those seeking treatment for hair loss have already spent thousands on failed cures from so-called experts before they finally arrive at the dermatologist.
Jacinta Frawley, a psychotherapist from Sutherland in Sydney, had a stage three ovarian cancer diagnosis that was unresponsive to treatment – until a new treatment handed her a new lease on life.
If the universe is expanding, black holes are sucking everything in and time is relative, surely getting older could be like an elastic band. Right?
We know sleep is good for us, and now we can track every moment of it. But is our anxiety about a good night’s rest becoming counterproductive?
Single women in their 30s are increasingly choosing to ‘take the future into their own hands’ and have a baby alone, official data shows.
Fed up with being dismissed by medical professionals, women are increasingly turning to coaches to guide them through midlife.
Australia will look very different in the next few decades as the population ages and the number of elderly people almost doubles. Are we ready for the coming era of ageing?
She has one of the greatest minds of her generation. So what does Elizabeth Evatt, the former chief justice of the Family Court, think about keeping fit in her tenth decade?
There’s the Mediterranean diet, and the protein rich diet. And what about blue foods? Eat your way towards healthy ageing with these simple rules.
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