

New world disorder

New world disorder

WITH his glazed stare and mysterious background (part-Swiss, part-Russian), Yul Brynner was a Hollywood enigma.

Eastwood’s grand vision

Eastwood’s grand vision

THE latter years of writer-director Clint Eastwood’s career have seen a string of fine films, some surely destined for greatness.

A cut above

A cut above

MOST director’s cuts are marketing exercises and include material dropped from a film’s original release print. The result isn’t always an improvement.

TV ratingsMedia
Wonder wears off Ten drama

Wonder wears off Ten drama

TEN’S new drama Wonderland turned in less-than-wonderful ratings for its second episode, attracting 769,000 viewers.

Return to the wild west

Return to the wild west

A PAIR of very different westerns of recent vintage – a rarity, to be sure – are on offer this week and worth discovering or revisiting.

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