


Gail Williams

Buon appetito: aperitivo at Lucioli.
Buon appetito: aperitivo at Lucioli.Supplied



I have a soft spot for the Italians. Okay, I also love the French and I admit to harbouring a certain Teutonic affection for the Germans too. Oh, and then there's the Indians, Chinese, Vietnamese and Japanese. And let's not forget the Mexicans.

But when it comes to being warmly welcomed into the bosom of a bar-cum-restaurant-cum-café-cum all-round hangout, no one does it quite like the Italians.

It harks back to years ago when I spent a month roaming around Italy where the greeting in every shop, restaurant, house, café, street, church or even park was a beaming smile and a welcoming "Prego" or "Buon appetito".

Warm and welcoming: Claremont's Lucioli is serving up fine Italian fare.
Warm and welcoming: Claremont's Lucioli is serving up fine Italian fare.Supplied

Years on, the love affair with Italy has not waned and even now I can't get down the olive oil aisle in the supermarket without a wistful yearning for pencil pines and rolling Tuscan hills.

It all came back to me on walking into Lucioli, a relative newbie in Claremont Quarter sitting opposite the now defunct Beluga and occupying the space of the old Duchess. RIP.

Where the Duchess was all glitz, glamour and opulence, Lucioli is all about generosity of spirit, house made pasta being cut into fettuccine ribbons in front of you, spectacular baked ricotta cakes under glass and thick slices of Neapolitan pizza filling a hole.

Lucioli has had a complete overhaul thanks to the Lucioli family who, between son Luca and father Salvatore who is in the open kitchen, have notched up a wealth of experience in many of Perth's Italian restaurants. Their idea was to fill a niche in the market for a rosticceria. Scusi? What's a rosticceria you ask?

It's a casual eatery offering fast food in a "slow food" sort of way. Well, here, it's actually a bar. Make that a bar which offers house-made pastries, slabs of pizza, lasagne and roast meats along with complimentary aperitivos (appetisers) between 5.30 and 7.30pm.

The servings are as generous as the service at Lucioli.
The servings are as generous as the service at Lucioli.Supplied

I can't recall the last time a platter of olives, salamis, cheese, foccaccia and frittata was plonked down on the table – with a smile and a "it's on the house" – as the wine was being poured.

In fact, I also can't recall the last time I have received such a warm welcome in a restaurant or a bar – the three staff at the till immediately stopping their conversation to usher us to whichever table we wanted.

And I certainly can't recall the last time the water and wine glasses were automatically topped up by a waiter in an eatery which is positioned so far away from fine dining that it has table numbers on a stick.

A lot of this subtle but classy attention has to do with their new manager, Enrico Carnevale, who for years has been a familiar graceful presence in Perth's leading Italian eateries, most recently Modo Mio.

We struck him on his second day in the job where he was as snug as a bug in his new home.

And so were we after sharing silky pillows of ravioli so big you could rest your head on them. Salvatore, with this – one of the two fresh pasta options of the day -- was just showing off with the texture of his sheets, so thin and translucent you could almost see the baked pumpkin and chopped walnuts through them.

A garnish of basil and a swirl of lick-the-plate mascarpone sauce and we were done. Well and truly.

If there is a teensy fault here in the service, it's in a lack of any gentle guidance with the ordering as the serves are huge.

There is no pointer on the menu towards dishes that are designed to share. And after two of us ploughing through the ravioli there was no way we were going to get through an even bigger fettucine Bolognese and "today's" selection of roast meats that would have easily fed four.

Think a saucer size roasted scotch fillet, a Pirates-of-the-Caribbean sized skewer of roast chicken and green pepper, three fat pork sausages, a pile of fresh salad and toasted house-made sourdough.

Thankfully, the advertised rice cake and the chef's dips were missing.

Salvatore also has enough confidence with his cooking not to need to ask how the diner likes their steak done. It was tender and red in the middle. Like the rest of the components it was perfect.

As one would expect, there were no surprises with the Bolognese – an expertly cooked ragu of veal, pork and tomato with a multi-layered depth of flavour coating the thick coils of slippery fettucine in a cohesive triumph.

Bliss. But we couldn't finish the roast meats. Enrico didn't miss a beat, returning the boxed-up meats fashioned into an alfoil swan.

Ah, the penny dropped. That's where I'd seen him before.

Molto bello.

Scoring system:

0-10 Don't waste your money
11-15 Worth a look
16-20 Put it on your bucket list

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