Best Aussie suburbs for home buyers, right now
These are the top suburbs to buy for Aussies looking for a new home right now.
These are the top suburbs to buy for Aussies looking for a new home right now.
Vacancy rates have further deteriorated across much of Australia, with just three cities recording a slight uptick in listings. See how your city or region compares.
The RBA is shifting the blame for the rental crisis, saying Australia needs more of this to solve the issue.
The Bachelor is about to get a shake up after it was snatched by a rival network – and now the love show has suffered another sad blow.
A Shark Tank star has revealed the one “golden rule” she says everyone should follow if they want to get “very rich”.
National vacancy rates fell by 1700 in September despite the Aussie population surpassing 27 million earlier this year. And it is expected to get it even tougher. Here’s why!
These are the cheapest and most expensive suburbs in Australia if you’re single.
Want to live the Carrie Bradshaw lifestyle – aka fun, single, and affordable in Sydney? Here’s where you need to live and where to avoid.
A new report has revealed the insane amount of money rent has increased across Australia’s capital cities since the pandemic.
PM Anthony Albanese has pulled his controversial investment property from tomorrow’s scheduled auction in a shock move.
More Aussies than ever have become millionaires over the past 12 months. Here’s how.
An Aussie singer has copped a staggering blow just weeks after both her parents died.
Horrifying new figures show rent across regional Qld has escalated to the third highest in Australia – leaving Brisbane behind.
A new move from the NSW government aimed at helping renters find a place they can afford falls short of the mark.
The possible wide-ranging effects of a proposed housing plan could have significant implications for plenty of Aussies and the government.
Music star Troye Sivan’s cherished family home is up for sale, where the musician rose to fame recording one of his most-watched videos. SEE INSIDE
Aussie home prices in part of the country are in free fall as desperate homeowners are forced to sell their prized assets.
Real estate agents are fielding rising concern from landlords over tax changes, with many expected to take drastic action if forced to do so.
An army manoeuvre that will see 500 soldiers and their families invade an Aussie capital city without enough rental properties could be the tipping point for desperate renters.
Clued up Aussies are saving millions of dollars on one of the most important things in their lives. This is where and how.
A seismic change to how Aussies buy and sell their homes is here.
A Melbourne family have revealed the “terrible” consequences of a failure to fix a major issue in their rental.
Squatters and graffiti artists have destroyed the Hollywood mansion that gave Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ fame. See the pictures.
All eyes are on the RBA’s rate decision, as momentum builds for a cut. But why wait? You can give yourself a rate cut at any time. Here’s how.
Vulnerable renters in one group are now completely priced out from renting in all capital cities across Australia, a new report has found.
Leah Selfe is one of a growing number of Aussies who are turning their backs on a time-honoured tradition – and reaping the benefits.
New property figures have revealed a grim outlook for the typical Aussie household as affordability plunges to its worst level on record.
Australia still is the lucky country when it comes to buying and paying off a home, according to a surprise new study.
This is how and where the new wave of Aussie first-homebuyers are getting the keys to their dream property.
A Bondi apartment with an unusual caveat has made waves online after being listed for rent well below the suburb’s average asking price.
Rapid development has produced city pockets with an oversupply of homes, spurring an unusual opportunity and risk for home seekers.
Renters are set to take a hit with investors bailing on rentals as costs and red tape start to bite, amid a shock revelation of where they’re eyeing next.
Rabbitohs star Tom Burgess has revealed his final move before he leaves the NRL club after 12 seasons.
A couple have described the “horror” experience of their first rental and are still waiting for $2700 in compensation to be paid.
As Kamala Harris picked away at Donald Trump in their bitter debate, the 45th President was quick to hit back at one issue and there is evidence to back his claims.
It’s one of the prime minister’s key policies but just months after it began, the ambitious plan to solve Australia’s most pressing crisis may be a failure already.
Latest rental figures have ‘very big good news’ for renters, just as new analysis finds 145 suburbs where landlords are now unable to force rents any higher.
Smashed by the cost of living crisis and worried about an economy on the brink, the majority of Aussies are being forced to bury these dreams for another day.
Homes in some Aussie suburbs will be worth as much as $200k less than they are now if current trends continue, experts have revealed.
Labor’s key housing initiative to boost rental homes will be blocked by the Coalition and the Greens, who say it benefits corporations over renters.
The best and worst jobs to have to buy a home in Australia have been revealed.
The home selling season is here and like the US election, expect the unexpected.
A little known loophole could get you $50,000 closer to a new home.
Aussies lost it when a brazen landlord listed a humble tent in his backyard for rent at $125 a week recently – but who is really to blame?
A staggering amount of NSW renters say they’ve been forced to live in barely habitable homes – and they will face a growing risk as the temperature heats.
A single mum trying to find a rental property has revealed the surprise response she got from landlords after her husband passed away – and it’s left her stuck in a $1000pw rental.
Seachangers and investors have created some of the sharpest rises in rent and home prices on record, pushing some locals out of their hometowns.
An Aussie who copped backlash after renting out a tent in his backyard for $125 a week has responded after being accused ‘shameful’ behaviour online.
Faced with skyrocketing property prices and rising living costs, many young adults contemplate buying homes with friends as a way to enter the market. But is it feasible?
Sydney is in a worsening affordable housing crisis, but Sydney City Council claims the city is “using all levers” at its disposal to deliver.
Home prices in a variety of Aussie suburbs are lower than they were a decade ago. This is where.
A young family reveal the smart moves they used to purchase a home they ‘fell in love with’ and get out of the rental market.
The nationwide rental crisis has driven a dramatic rise in ‘catfish rentals’, designed specifically to lure in unsuspecting tenants.
The Block judge Shaynna Blaze has put up her luxury home for rent for $2500 per week.
Finance guru David Koch has implored young Aussies to stop blaming others for their financial issues.
A young family paying a staggering amount for rent didn’t know why their house had a horrible smell and then they uncovered the shocking reason.
There is one crucial reason why Aussies are leaving our cities behind but ‘push and pull’ factors are also influencing the lifestyles we want to have.
These are the Sydney suburbs with the biggest rent drops, where tenants can score a discount of up to $150 a week in rent.
Gen Z have slammed Sydney saying the city isn’t delivering a vital thing they need – and many now want to leave.
Disgraced Royal Prince Andrew could be left homeless after a $57m feud between him and King Charles has exploded.
New data has revealed the inner city suburbs where renters can snap up a pad for under $500 a week.
Two rooms within a notorious pink brothel once at the centre of a drug, bribery, kidnapping and police scandal are being offered as a place to live – for a surprising cost.
Short term landlords are raking in super profits in 13 key local councils, with median rent hitting a shock high of $131k – more than the majority of Aussie wages.
As Australia’s population grows and demand for rental properties increase, one factor has ensured rental vacancy rates remained relatively steady throughout July.
The ongoing rental crisis has taken a surprise turn, with rents recording the biggest falls since the Covid pandemic first hit in 2020.
One simple detail in recent household behaviour has exposed the reality of the Aussie rental crisis, as rents continue to grow at their fastest pace in more than a decade.
The government’s housing policies have been labelled a ‘sick joke’ in a fiery interview.
A bitter dispute has emerged between a young woman and her rental agency over repairs and a rental increase that left her with $18 a week for food.
The most expensive rental available in Australia is asking tenants to pay a whopping $1.3m a year – the same price it costs to buy your own home.
A real estate agency has been blasted after tenants were presented with a “highly patronising” award.
Money guru Mark Bouris has put his stunning Byron Bay retreat on the rental market but there are a few catches.
When it comes to buying or selling a home or even if you’re just looking for fun, there’s one group of people you shouldn’t be listening to.
A Melbourne renter has won her bond back after almost two years and she says her case serves as a warning to other tenants.
A staggering number of vulnerable children seeking help from homelessness services are being turned away, a new report has found.
A mum has revealed the “dangerous” situation that appeared in her front yard – at the same time she was slugged with a rent hike.
The rental crisis isn’t slowing down anytime soon and one desperate tenant has revealed a landlord’s demand that left her fuming.
A Triple J presenter has shared insane details of a legal fight with her landlord over an unnecessary $1100 cleaning bill of their old rental property.
A super cool Sydney pad owned by a personal shopper to the stars has sold for $200k over expectations in just three days.
With his company embroiled in strike action, embattled Channel 9 boss Mike Sneesby has made a savvy money move.
There are warnings that life could be made “financially harder for younger Australians” with rents to soar and property prices to spike an extra $75,000 too.
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