Make your home pay for your holiday
HOMEOWNERS who live permanently in holiday hot spots are renting out their properties to help them fund a holiday trip of their own.
HOMEOWNERS who live permanently in holiday hot spots are renting out their properties to help them fund a holiday trip of their own.
A dual-purpose studio apartment has been fitted out to serve as a cocktail bar and a home.
FINDING a housemate is a competitive business. So these Aussie guys have gone the extra mile to make their listing stand out.
MOST tenants know where the cheap suburbs are, but where do you rent when money is no object?
IT’S THE controversial concept that hides poorer tenants from their wealthy neighbours but one Aussie expert asks whether we could learn something from it.
IS it better to buy or rent? A new research paper by the RBA reveals the magic number needed to answer this much-debated question.
A LACK of first home buyers and demand to live in inner city areas, has driven up unit prices throughout most of the country.
As rental prices increase throughout Knox, tenants are offering to pay more than the advertised price to secure a lease
LANDLORDS are the ones benefiting from increases in the age of first marriages, as research reveals how we are are clocking up more time renting.
The rising number of rental properties in Sydney is easing the squeeze on tenants.
GOOD tenants can be worth their weight in gold, but bad tenants can cost you a fortune. How do you tell the difference? Here are the five tenant “red flags’’.
FANCY a week at the beach? That will be $40,000 thanks. Luxury holiday rentals come with price tags higher than most people’s mortgages.
ALWAYS fancied yourself part of Channel Nine’s The Block? Well, now you can live the life in one of the penthouses which is for rent. Take a look inside.
WHILE rental vacancy rates have dropped marginally in the past month new figures reveal the market is tipping in favour of tenants.
YOU thought our property market was crazy. This unit was rented out for $1300 a month within hours, despite it’s tiny size.
RESIDENTIAL vacancy rates have increases nationally, easing rental pressures slightly.
A QUEENSLAND property business has come under scrutiny after being called out for its “bizarre” rental signs popping up outside vacant homes.
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