

Lone Wolf bikie Erkan ‘Eric the Wolf’ Keskin’s murder hit list revealed

The big hit parade of ruthless Lone Wolf bikie boss Erkan Keskin, who was found dead in Turkey last night, can be revealed. Find out who was on his hit list.

The day bikie boss Eric the Wolf threatened to ‘red flag’ me

The brutal boss of the Lone Wolf bikie gang Erkan “The Wolf” Keskin spent millions of dollars ordering the murders of at least six Sydney crime figures before his sudden death in Turkey.

Known as the “Naked Bikie”, Keskin was considered one of the most dangerous and ruthless drug czars in the city’s criminal network despite living overseas for the last two years.

NSW Police had never given up investigating Keskin’s roles in multiple murders, massive drug importations and money laundering.

His wealth was estimated to be anywhere between $200-300 million.

At the time of his death from a suspected heart attack after a six-day drug binge on Monday night, Keskin was believed to have recruited a killer recently released from a NSW prison to carry out a number of hits.

“There was tension between him and a number of Sydney underlings who he thought were undermining him and in true Eric style, decided he would have them knocked,” said an underworld source.

“He was so ruthless he would think nothing of having members of his own crew killed.”

Lone Wolf bikie Erkan Keskin with his wife Kristen outside Downing Centre Local Court in 2018. Picture: AAP
Lone Wolf bikie Erkan Keskin with his wife Kristen outside Downing Centre Local Court in 2018. Picture: AAP
A dazed Keskin being arrested during the bizarre 2015 episode where he was caught naked with a gun in Western Sydney.
A dazed Keskin being arrested during the bizarre 2015 episode where he was caught naked with a gun in Western Sydney.

A senior NSW police officer confirmed they had intelligence that Keskin was in conflict with a number of his own senior members in the Lone Wolf bikie gang, which had grown into a major force under his rule over the past eight years.

“There will be a few Sydney crooks relieved at his passing,’’ said the officer.

Two of the people he is believed to have paid to have executed were killed because they had bashed and humiliated him in jail.

Another was killed for sleeping with one of his girlfriends.

He started ordering murders soon after becoming the feared club’s president in around 2014.

One of the first targets was money launderer Peter Hoang, who was gunned down that same year outside a Sydney McDonald’s after he lost millions of dollars belonging to Keskin.

Lone Wolf president Erkan Keskin leaving Surry Hills Police Station in April 2018.
Lone Wolf president Erkan Keskin leaving Surry Hills Police Station in April 2018.
The bikie boss is believed to have had Peter Hoang killed.
The bikie boss is believed to have had Peter Hoang killed.
Former Comanchero bikie boss Mark Buddle.
Former Comanchero bikie boss Mark Buddle.

The next was a rival from another bikie gang who had bashed him in prison.

The Lone Wolf president left Sydney in 2019 days after criminal charges against him were dropped.

Fearing he was to be rearrested by NSW police he applied for and was granted an expedited passport and fled to Dubai and then Turkey.

A dual national who had served time in the Turkish military, Keskin knew he was safe from extradition in his home country, although Australia’s federal authorities kept a close watch on him in the hope he left Turkey and they had a chance to arrest him.

“We have never given up investigating the involvement of Keskin in violent organised crime in Sydney,’’ said the boss of NSW State Crime Command, Assistant Commissioner Detective Stuart Smith.

“He remains the focus of several strike forces being investigated by NSW police.”

Lone Wolf Erkan Keskin had dinner with Abuzar Sultani in 2017.
Lone Wolf Erkan Keskin had dinner with Abuzar Sultani in 2017.
Erkan Keskin leaves Surry Hills Police Station in 2018. Picture: AAP
Erkan Keskin leaves Surry Hills Police Station in 2018. Picture: AAP

The 44-year-old was known as an APOT — Australian Priority Organisation Target — a designation for the most wanted local criminals across the globe who are considered by law enforcement to be a threat to the national interest.

Until recently Keskin was suspected to have been involved in drug importations with rival bikie boss Mark Buddle, the exiled Aussie leader of the Comanchero.

“But when Buddle decided he wanted to start a Mafia-style commission and charge everyone for their drug importations they were not as close,” said a well-placed underworld source.

Lone Wolf bikie Erkan Keskin with his wife Kristen in 2018. Picture: AAP
Lone Wolf bikie Erkan Keskin with his wife Kristen in 2018. Picture: AAP
A dazed Keskin being arrested during the bizarre 2015 episode where he was caught naked with a gun in Western Sydney.
A dazed Keskin being arrested during the bizarre 2015 episode where he was caught naked with a gun in Western Sydney.
Erkan Keskin outside a Sydney court.
Erkan Keskin outside a Sydney court.

Police sources have revealed Keskin’s wife Kristen had contacted the Australian embassy about bringing his body back to Australia, which likely means he will be farewelled in a full bikie funeral.

He never lived down the nickname the “Naked Bikie” after he was arrested while stark naked with a gun in a bizarre episode at a Western Sydney home in 2015.

While many people put it down to a purely drug-induced incident, Keski told his associates that he was actually fleeing an attempt on his life.

Until he left Australia, Keskin had been living in a number of luxurious addresses, including an $8000-a-week rental home in Double Bay and two $2000-a-week apartments in Kent St — one for him and one for his bodyguards.

Despite his reputation as one of the country’s biggest drug dealers he had enormous success in beating the law in both NSW and Queensland.

In 2018 charges against him in relation to supplying large quantities of ice on the Gold Coast were dropped as well as charges in NSW relating to kidnapping a rival dealer.

At one stage he was wearing two ankle bracelets — one for NSW Police to keep track of him and another for Queensland Police to monitor him while on bail for the aforementioned ice charges.

While in Turkey he spent time partying at Istanbul’s Kings Cross Hotel, which is owned by former Sydney Comanchero Hakan Ayik.

Read related topics:Bikies NSW

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