
Game Of Thrones: Book six won’t be out for another six months

George RR Martin admits next Game Of Thrones book Winds Of Winter won’t be out until second half of next year — at least.

George R R Martin discusses the Game of Thrones books

IT’S official — George RR Martin will not release book six of Game Of Thrones, called Winds Of Winter this year — and it probably won’t hit shops until at least August next year.

Martin wrote on his blog, called Not A Blog, that he was off to a book fair in Mexico. And, among chats about tequila, threw in this tasty little paragraph.

“This is my last scheduled event for 2016. My appearance schedule for 2017 is very limited, and will remain so until WINDS is completed. So if you want to meet me or get a book signed, this will be the last chance for a good few months...”

That sounds like a solid six months until he is ready to hand it over to the publisher.

But even then, it does not mean the book can come out immediately.


It needs to be edited, proof-read and checked by the publisher before it comes out.

Then there is the question of having enough copies to meet demand. Even in the last couple of years, interest in Game Of Thrones has grown exponentially.

It would be a publishing phonomenon not seen since the last Harry Potter.

Then there is the thought that it needs to be close to season seven of the TV series, while not actually clashing with it.


Previously the TV series has begun in April and run for 10 weeks.

However, season seven is tipped to be no more than eight weeks and filming is still going on, suggesting it will not screen until June.

Add eight weeks to that and we are talking August as the most likely release time.

Assuming, of course, that Martin actually finishes it by then.

And, on current pace, it suggests that book seven won’t be written until something like 2023.

That’s a long time to wait for an ending ...

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