
George RR Martin won’t release Winds Of Winter at WorldCon 2016 ... and he’ll need EIGHT books to finish Game Of Thrones

DESPITE fan speculation and internet rumours, George RR Martin won’t release Winds Of Winter at WorldCon 2016 — and he’ll need EIGHT books to finish Game Of Thrones.

Joe Naufahu, left, and Emilia Clarke (Daenarys) are heading for Westeros.
Joe Naufahu, left, and Emilia Clarke (Daenarys) are heading for Westeros.

DESPITE the waves of rumours, fan speculation and desperate wishing, George RR Martin won’t be releasing Winds Of Winter, the long-awaited book six of Game Of Thrones, next month.

The internet has been alive with speculation that Martin, who is the special guest at the World Fantasy Convention in Kansas in August, would use the opportunity to release book six in the epic series.

There has even been a wave of stories that he would release not just Winds Of Winter but book seven, A Dream Of Spring, as well.

However, the news from his publisher, HarperCollins, is that is not going to happen.

“Speculation has been rife in Australia and across the world that George RR Martin is going to release Winds Of Winter at WorldCon,” HarperCollins Australia head of marketing and communications Jaki Arthur said.

“There’s no denying millions of fans want it. But we don’t know when it will happen. We know George is busy writing it and we will announce the publication date once he finishes. Whenever it comes, it will be a huge publishing event.”

One well-placed book industry source went even further, especially on speculation book seven would also be released.

“I don’t know what world they’re living in, but it’s a fantasy world,” the source said.

Cersei (Lena Headey) currently sits on the Iron Throne, but for how much longer?
Cersei (Lena Headey) currently sits on the Iron Throne, but for how much longer?

Publishing Winds Of Winter would be a massive logistical exercise that could not be arranged overnight, either. It would be the biggest single book release since the final Harry Potter.

When book five, A Dance With Dragons was released in July 2011, the television series was very popular but had not hit the heights enjoyed by series six.

Every book store will want a piece of Winds Of Winter, with everyone in the local book industry set to benefit.

Every time I get asked when will the next book be finished, I kill a Stark

However, it is likely Martin will say something about Winds Of Winter and he will certainly face plenty of questions from fans about a release date.

In the past he has brushed those off with a tongue-in-cheek line: “Every time I get asked when will the next book be finished, I kill a Stark”.

However, there is another whisper going around the book world, which has been rumbling for a few years, but is now getting louder, that Martin will need eight books to finish the series, not seven as planned.

This was given new life when the television series announced it could not finish at season seven but would need to go into season eight.

So will there be a book eight?

“That’s up to the author! I think everyone would agree that we want as much Game Of Thrones as George RR Martin can give us!”

So all will not be revealed next month. But something probably will be revealed. The title of book eight, perhaps?

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