
Why this CEO gave up measuring his sleep

Why this CEO gave up measuring his sleep

Alex Davison, chief executive of L’Oreal Groupe in Australia and New Zealand, does a lot to ensure he gets eight hours’ sleep a night, but he doesn’t measure it any more.

Alex Davison enjoys a slow start to the day to conserve his energy.  Dominic Lorrimer

What time do you get up in the morning? What’s the routine?

I don’t get up particularly early. It’s about 7am when the alarm goes. My mornings aren’t very action-packed because my day is quite action-packed. Frankly, I like to have a slow morning, watch the day break and have good cup of coffee. It’s a little bit of energy management. I’m not the sort of person who is going to run straight out the gates first thing.


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Sally Patten
Sally PattenBOSS editorSally Patten edits BOSS, and writes about workplace issues. She was the financial services editor and personal finance editor of the AFR, The Age and the Sydney Morning Herald. She edited business news for The Times of London. Connect with Sally on Twitter. Email Sally at

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