Millennial Zac dumps home ownership dream for ETFs
Zach Shparberg, 30, says he has no hope owning a property in the city he grew up in. So he’s embraced a different wealth creation plan experts say could work.
“Sad” and “unfathomable” are among the terms Zac Shparberg uses to describe the latest surge in Sydney property prices. He says the dream of home ownership is over for him and his partner Brent.
“We’ve been totally priced out of the city I grew up in,” says Shparberg, 30, who works as an occupational therapist.
Tom Richardson writes and comments on markets including equities, debt, crypto, software, banking, payments, and regulation. He worked in asset management at Bank of New York Mellon and is a member of the CFA Society of the UK as a holder of the Investment Management Certificate. Connect with Tom on Twitter. Email Tom at