
Weight loss

This Month

The Novo Nordisk drug Ozempic.

Ozempic could be linked to sudden blindness, says new report

Patients who took the drugs for weight loss were seven times more likely to be diagnosed with a stroke-like eye condition, according to Harvard research.

  • Robert Langreth
Generic weighted armored vest exercise

Supercharge your workouts with a weighted vest

They’re suddenly everywhere and no wonder. It’s the one piece of gym kit that will get you fit faster while making you feel like an action hero,

  • Luke Benedictus


Scientists say there is mounting evidence that semaglutides such as Ozempic increase fertility.

Why that surprise weight gain might be an Ozempic baby

There is mounting evidence that weigh-loss drugs such as Ozempic are delivering baby-sized surprises.

  • Updated
  • Julie Hare
ProLon 5-Day Diet

I tried the ‘Tesla’ of fasting diets. Here’s what happened

Valter Longo’s books about the benefits of abstaining from food have been bestsellers around the world, but the science to support his ideas is not conclusive.

  • Agostino Petroni
Novo Nordisk A/S signage on the floor of New York Stock Exchange, 2023.

The Ozempic effect: How weight loss wonder drug gobbled up an economy

Pharmaceutical giant Novo Nordisk has grown so large in its native Denmark that it’s hard to find staff. Meanwhile, its philanthropic foundation is running out of local causes to support.

  • Sanne Wass and Naomi Kresge
New trial results from Eli Lilly’s weight-loss drug has sparked another ResMed sell-off.

ResMed sinks as drug trial sparks Ozempic-style sell-off

New results from Eli Lilly’s weight-loss treatment have traders reaching for the sell button, but analysts aren’t so sure.

  • Updated
  • Joshua Peach
People put two thirds of the weight they lost back on when they stop being prescribed jabs.

How to keep off the kilos after stopping weight-loss jabs

Until now, those prescribed the radical treatments have been warned that they may have to stay on the drugs for life – or revert to their former size.

  • Laura Donnelly
Science now suggests that it is possible to lose weight rapidly in a safe fashion.

Eight tips to lose weight fast - and safely

Is the crash diet back? Science now suggests that rapidly losing a lot of weight could be a beneficial strategy for health – if you do it carefully.

  • Juliette Kellow

Why calorie counting doesn’t work

If you eat fewer calories than you burn, surely you will lose weight? The truth is that it’s a waste of time – and sets people up for failure.

  • Tim Spector


Only legitimate Ozempic will be allowed in Australia, which will reduce supply.

The war over Ozempic isn’t helping overweight Australians

The drug regulators’ decision to ban compounded weight loss drugs won’t help those suffering health complications from obesity.

  • Nick Coatsworth
Body fat is a big predictor of future health.

How belly fat can predict our future - and longevity

We need to be less obsessed with our outward appearance and treat our inner self with the respect it needs and deserves.

  • Tim Spector
NIB chief executive Mark Fitzgibbon said tighter regulation was a better approach than an outright ban.

Replica Ozempic ban could deny thousands ‘life-changing medication’

Healthcare start-ups say the ban is a step too far and risks leaving tens of thousands of Australians without the medications they need.

  • Euan Black and Paul Smith
The carnivore diet is growing in popularity on social media.

Fans of the BBBE diet claim it’s the key to wellbeing

TikTok and Instagram are full of videos of men wolfing down steak, ground beef, burger patties and slabs of butter who claim the diet is the key to mental and physical wellbeing.

  • Steven Kurutz
Only legitimate Ozempic will be allowed in Australia, which will reduce supply.

Replica Ozempic and Mounjaro will be banned by October

The ruling preserves the status quo of the drug market in a boon to big pharmaceutical firms and a blow to start-ups that are trying to disrupt the sector.

  • Nick Bonyhady
Children allowed screen time during breakfast, lunch or dinner are 15 per cent more likely to be overweight.

Children glued to their phones at meal time face obesity risk

Experts say letting youngsters scroll social media, watch videos or eat in front of the TV is “dangerous” and may be fuelling a growing obesity epidemic.

  • Laura Donnelly
The trial paid an average of £128 to participants.

Men paid $760 to lose weight in ‘Game of Stones’ health scheme

A trial of a dieting program in which participants potentially lose money has been so successful that it will be rolled out nationally.

  • Laura Donnelly

Using Ozempic before surgery may be dangerous

Even if users follow “nil by mouth” instructions before an operation, they may still have food in their stomachs when they are wheeled into the operating theatre.

  • Jill Margo

Should doctors prescribe Ozempic for heart disease too?

A landmark study has shown Ozempic can reduce the risk of death in people with serious heart problems who are overweight or obese but do not have diabetes.

  • Jill Margo

Ozempic helped after my heart attack, but it’s not the full solution

Tony Mellis knew something untoward was happening in his body, but so much more was happening in his life, he didn’t have time to see his doctor.

  • Jill Margo


Torria Leggett, 40, who had been trying for another after her first child was born in 2018.

Ozempic ‘oops’ babies spark debate as users fall pregnant

Some women on weight-loss drugs who have struggled with fertility issues are now expecting children, leading to questions about the safety of such medications.

  • Madison Muller

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