
Centre Alliance

November 2021

Centre Alliance MP Rebekha Sharkie has asked for independent research.

Voter ID plan faces fresh roadblock in Parliament

Centre Alliance could thwart Scott Morrison’s push for the new laws to be in place before next year’s federal election.

  • Tom McIlroy
Under the new proposal, photo ID, a government document or a digital identification tool will be required to cast a vote at the ballot box.

Key MPs want progress on corruption body before backing voter ID push

Tasmanian independent Jacqui Lambie says the government’s urgency on voter ID laws is a “slap in the face”.

  • Tom McIlroy

June 2021

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg has been deeply involved with the super reform negotiations.

Government’s super reforms likely to pass Senate

The government appears to have the support of Centre Alliance and One Nation, heralding the biggest shake-up of the $3 trillion superannuation sector in years.

  • Michael Read

March 2021

NAB CEO Ross McEwan says axing responsible lending laws won’t cause a jump in risky bank lending.

Bankers press Senate on responsible lending

The government is struggling to win Senate support to dump responsible lending laws, despite reassurance from NAB boss Ross McEwan that the proposed changes will not lead to more risky bank lending.

  • John Kehoe and Matthew Cranston

February 2021

Rex Patrick and Stirling Griff want changes to the government’s IR omnibus bill

IR bill faces rough ride with the crossbench

The government will have to make significant changes to its industrial relations bill if it wants to secure its passage through the Senate.

  • Phillip Coorey

October 2020

Centre Alliance MP Rebekha Sharkie said the party would not support the government's university funding bill in its current form.

University funding plan set to pass after special deal for SA

After securing more funding for places on South Australian campuses, the minor party Centre Alliance will support the government's shake-up of university payments.

  • Tom McIlroy and Ronald Mizen

Universities fight it out for a crucial vote in the Senate

The sector has mixed opinions about the Jobs-ready Graduates package, which is splintering their efforts to oppose the legislation.

  • Robert Bolton

June 2020

Senator Rex Patrick.

Financial advisers get last-minute lifeline on exams

The Senate passed legislation extending a deadline for advisers to strengthen their accreditation. Failure to enact the extension could have resulted in up to 2 million investors being blocked from receiving advice during the coronavirus downturn.

  • Aleks Vickovich
South Australian senator Rex Patrick.

Financial advisers in limbo as Parliament delays exam deadline

Seventy per cent of financial advisers have not yet passed the new mandatory exam and could be forced to cease trading if the extension is not granted. 

  • Tom McIlroy and Aleks Vickovich
Assistant minister Jane Hume is overseeing the bill.

Financial advisers' exam deadline caught in Senate power play

The federal government's plan to extend the deadline for financial advisers to qualify for new performance standards has been thrown into doubt after Senate crossbencher Rex Patrick added measures to boost corporate transparency.

  • Tom McIlroy, Aleks Vickovich and John Kehoe

February 2020

Rex Patrick

'Populist politics': Business slams Rex Patrick over tax attacks

The Centre Alliance senator has slammed the bosses of ExxonMobil and EnergyAustralia, but business is pushing back against his campaign.

  • Tom McIlroy
Catherine Tanna

EnergyAustralia boss targeted over corporate tax bill

EnergyAustralia boss Catherine Tanna has been labelled a "swindler" and a "corporate tax dodger", as a high profile Senate crossbencher called for her resignation from the Reserve Bank board.

  • Tom McIlroy

Pauline Hanson backflip saves Coalition on sports rorts saga

Senior minister Mathias Cormann avoided embarrassment over a secret report into sports funding due in part to a split in the Centre Alliance.

  • Tom McIlroy
There is debate over where the submarines that replace the Collins-class should come from.

Submarine jobs poised to go west

The Morrison government is leaning towards sending ASC's submarine maintenance blue collar jobs to Perth, risking its relationship with key senator Rex Patrick.

  • Andrew Tillett

January 2020

Jacqui Lambie is prepared to consider the government's revamped Ensuring Integrity Bill.

Union-busting bill 2.0 hinges on Jacqui Lambie

A second attempt to have the Senate pass the Ensuring Integrity Bill could boil down to Jacqui Lambie after One Nation ruled out reversing its opposition.

  • Phillip Coorey

December 2019

A workplace free from intimidation?

Unreformed IR system is more standover than sit down

Why shouldn't unions be subject to the same transparency and standards that companies are?

  • Updated
  • Jennifer Westacott

November 2019

Victorian CFMEU head John Setka.

Uphold the law and stop 'union theft'

It's only fair to insist that unions obey the industrial laws that grant them enormous privileges in the workplace.

  • The AFR View
Senator Patrick criticised Treasurer Josh Frydenberg in August for failing to declare the number of Australian companies linked to Carribean tax havens.

Federal contractors to disclose tax haven links

Rex Patrick has introduced legislation he promised after Barnaby Joyce said he was unaware the recipient of an $80 million water buyback deal made while he was water minister was based in the Caymans.

  • Tom McIlroy

July 2019

The final piece of the puzzle was Jacqui Lambie. She has formed a loose alliance with Rex Patrick, left, and Stirling Griff, right, but they never negotiated as a bloc over tax cuts.

Senate delivers tax cut triumph

The re-elected Morrison government has scored a major victory with the passage of its $158 billion income tax cut package but is on a collision course with the gas industry.

  • Phillip Coorey
David Rowe illo one nation pauline hanson queensland election steve dickson

How Hanson was sidelined in tax cut deal

While One Nation watched from the sidelines, two senators helped secure Scott Morrison's biggest policy of this entire term. The Centre Alliance is a socially progressive, pro-business party. It's also a savvy political operation, writes Phil Coorey.

  • Phillip Coorey

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