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Tech power has led us out of pandemic’s economic catastrophe

Mark Eggleton

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Australian business has bounced back extraordinarily well compared with the darkest days of the past year but some challenges remain, says the Australian Bureau of Statistics in its most recent Business Conditions and Sentiments Survey released last week.

ABS head of Industry Statistics, John Shepherd, said the survey showed that in February, 30 per cent of businesses were affected by reduced cash flow and 28 per cent by reduced demand. This compares with 72 per cent and 69 per cent in April 2020, when businesses were last asked about these impacts.

Futurist and author Rocky Scopelliti

Technology and our ability to adapt played key roles in Australia’s pandemic successes, says futurist and author Rocky Scopelliti. Jan Kuczcrawy

What has heralded this improved but still challenging environment? Interestingly, it might have something to do with the ability of Australian business to adapt. And much of our ability to adapt can be attributed to human innovation and the evolution of technology.

Writing in the Financial Times, the author of Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Yuval Noah Harari, highlighted how the power of information technology played an enormous role in nearly every success of the past year.

For example, he cited how in previous eras humanity could seldom stop epidemics because we “couldn’t monitor the chains of infection in real time, and because the economic cost of extended lockdowns was prohibitive”.


He emphasised technology’s role in everything from agriculture to global trade, all of which are now automated and digitised. And services industries, ranging from offices to schools, are now moving further online.

Technology has also enabled populations to be tracked and traced whereas in the past this was impossible.

Conversely, Harari pointed out politicians were mostly responsible for all of the world’s failures except in countries such as Australia, New Zealand and Vietnam, where the pandemic was virtually halted by governments willing to harness whatever tools they had available.

In the past, “if you ordered the entire population of a country to stay at home for several weeks, it would have resulted in economic ruin, social breakdown and mass starvation”.

Futurologist and author of Australia 2030 Rocky Scopelliti suggests while technology and our ability to adapt played key roles in Australia’s pandemic successes, we still have some way to go if we want to be a leader in the digital economy.

Scopelliti, who is also the director of the Centre for Industry 4.0 at Optus and has provided strategic advice to some of the world’s leading companies, says Australian business leaders tend to have an inflated belief in their organisations’ readiness for the fourth industrial revolution.

Last year, through a survey of 673 Australian professionals, including senior business leaders, he found there was a disconnect between Australian CEOs and their boards and the executives reporting to them.

The survey, conducted for Australia 2030, found senior management believed they had twice the level of agility than their own executives.

“There was a huge disconnect on business’ readiness for the fourth industrial revolution,” Scopelliti says.

Interestingly, the survey began pre-pandemic and was conducted over four months until April when the country was in lockdown. What the research found was how attitudes changed in a very short time.

For example, at the beginning of last year, Australian professionals indicated their biggest issue was getting the work/life balance right. Four months later, survey respondents had elevated reskilling and support to number one.

Continuing with this attitudinal change, survey respondents’ confidence in their business’s likelihood of survival in 10 years dropped by a third between January and April. What’s more, nearly half believed their business wouldn’t survive at all.

On another note, survey respondents were asked if Australia is investing enough in its technological and scientific skills for the next decade, and more than 90 per cent of respondents were concerned it wasn’t doing enough.

In better news, more than 90 per cent of those asked agreed technology would create more jobs in the future rather than destroying them.

Scopelliti suggests this runs contrary to the narrative that technology is here to destroy us.

“We tend to discount the underlying confidence Australians have in the future role of technology and this attitude is not tapped into as much as it could be by government and senior business leaders.”

Scopelliti says we sometimes forget Australia’s rich history of innovation and tend to focus on the negative.

Government and business aren’t backing the people who are actually willing to come along for the ride. This is reflected in the fact that business investment is at 30-year lows and research and development budgets are among the lowest in the OECD.

And this is not a new phenomenon. Collaboration between business and research institutions is still low and it has been for decades.

Back in the early 1990s, the then science minister Barry Jones used to lament the lack of collaboration, as the federal Labor government pushed for the creation of a more innovative economy and held Sweden up as an example worth following with its mature advanced manufacturing sector.

Part of the problem today, Scopelliti says, is seen in a study undertaken by Optus on how ready Australian business is for the fourth industrial revolution. It found innovation failure in Australia was considered extremely negative.

Scopelliti suggests Australian business needs to change its mindset. He says business needs to stop “anchoring innovation to success and regard innovation as something that provides insights and learning for the future rather than something that is punishable”.

He says what COVID-19 may have done is wake us up again to the opportunity.

“COVID imposed a crisis that allowed everyone to understand what the exponential impact of a crisis actually is and the positive was we saw a level of collaboration between government and industry in their response to COVID we hadn’t seen before.

“What we saw was a level of systems leadership where governments, industries and institutions collaborated to achieve a desired outcome.”

This contrasts with our lack of systems leadership in other areas such as climate change or even aged care.

Yet despite Australia’s overall lack of systems leadership, many Australian businesses have been able to lead and embrace digital transformation over the last 12 months.

“What technology has done is give small business the ability to participate in entrepreneurship. It has never been so easy,” he says.

“The technologies of the fourth industrial revolution, such as artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, 3D-printing, distributed ledgers will manifest themselves this year and the barriers to participate are lower than have they ever been.”

And what COVID has proven is we’re ready for change.

“We saw five years of behavioural change occur in five weeks as we ordered more goods and services online and began working from home. This is not about to revert back to where we were.”

Salesforce Australia’s chief commercial officer, Ian McAdam, agrees the new reality is here to stay.

“It has been 12 months since the pandemic came to Australia, and today we know that few things will go back to the way they were before,” McAdam says.

“What was once a nice-to-have, is now an imperative.

“The world has accelerated to this all-digital world faster than we could ever have imagined. Connecting people and data across systems, apps, and devices is one of the biggest challenges companies face in today’s all-digital world,” McAdam says.

“Throughout the crisis, we have seen accelerated leaps forward in innovative solutions – from the quick development of ‘track and trace’ apps to help stem the spread of the virus, to tech to help us get back to work.”

McAdam highlights the example of Australian fashion distributor True Alliance, who not only embraced a stronger digital presence but saw a 200 per cent increase in year-on-year sales during the peak of the pandemic in Australia.

Roni Perlov, chief financial officer of True Alliance, which distributes some of the world’s most recognisable labels in Australia and New Zealand, recently said the solid online sales growth experienced during the COVID-19 shutdown period could be attributed to the world-class customer experience “we’re able to provide on our digital platform”.

Importantly, the company had already embarked on its digital transformation path pre-pandemic and the work it had already completed played a key role in helping the company to optimise its digital channels in response to COVID-19.

And for companies such as True Alliance, embarking on its digital journey had already highlighted a particular feature of transformation – it’s not a one-off event and it doesn’t move in a straight line.

What COVID-19 has done is underline the fact that organisational survival is all about the ability to adapt.

Scopelliti calls it “juvenescence – a constant state of youthfulness”.

“It’s how organisations approach change and those set to thrive in the next 10 years will be the ones with juvenescence mindset – constantly adapting to a constantly changing environment around them,” he says.

To discover more about how businesses are accelerating for the future, join Salesforce Live: Australia & New Zealand from March 24th - April 29th.

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