The second task was to give teachers the software they needed to be able to teach remotely. The New South Wales Department of Education, which is responsible for overseeing schools and TAFEs, was already working on this before the COVID-19 pandemic as part of its Schools Digitisation Strategy, and so they were able to leverage off the existing work.
“Some things we could do very quickly. We had enough devices inside of schools to loan to our students. They could take these devices home,” Harris says.
But they also had to properly equip teachers and close the digital divide between well-equipped metropolitan schools and those in regional areas that didn’t have the same resources.
“We found that schools did not have a very, very clear digital infrastructure. So as teachers would come to school, if they used mainly the Google Classrooms, they’ll bring that expertise and want to continue using it. If another came from another school and liked to use Microsoft Teams, they would bring that. If somebody else came using a different product, they would use that,” Harris says.
They needed to standardise the software, so that all teachers at a single school would use the same meeting application and students wouldn’t have to chop and change.
“In a matter of six weeks, we were able to mobilise entire workforce. We thought we would need about two years to get to that level of maturity,” Harris says.
Harris said he in an ideal world he would have preferred to have a year’s warning of the COVID-19 pandemic – but of course that wasn’t possible, and the sudden onset of the crisis had two important effects.
“The big thing that COVID did last year, it broke down decision-making in a bureaucratic hierarchy. It put the decision-making very much acutely focused on some key players that needed to come together as a group to think about it,” he says. “COVID gave us a much more agile management approach to making decisions.
“The second thing it did do for us was to focus our attention on areas where we had really, really important needs.”
Harris expects some of the lessons from the pandemic to stick after it’s passed. For instance, teachers have already learned how to use Zoom and an upcoming project is to show them how to use it as a fully integrated program in the classroom. Pre-pandemic that project was expected to take four years, but Harris now believes it can be done in two.
Gisele Kapterian, director, public sector strategy, Salesforce APAC, said those governments and government agencies which had well developed cloud strategies, as well as digital and transformation skills, were best placed to respond quickly.
“Ultimately, cloud-based platforms which allow for rapid deployment, iteration and testing and can be quickly learnt and used by staff were the backbone of successful responses by governments in Australia and around the world,” she said.
Necessity revealed unexpected capabilities as departments and their staff took responsibility for services and outcomes well beyond business-as-usual. “From facilitating the speedy distribution of stimulus packages to repatriating Australians at scale, or supporting and sourcing PPE, staff and processes were shifted and repurposed to new and pressing demands,” Kapterian says.
As for whether the new, more agile way of doing things will last beyond the pandemic, she says: ”We have seen a long-lasting shift in the perceptions of what is possible for government to achieve and also what customers expect of government. There is no going back to the way things were and governments must accelerate their digital acceleration to meet customer expectations.”
The performance of digitally advanced jurisdictions – including the federal and NSW governments – has shown what’s possible, she said.
″The challenge that lies ahead for all agencies is to forensically identify the enablers and inhibitors of continued success beyond the pandemic, to assess whether they have the right culture, the right skills and the right technology to innovate at the speed required by customers,” she said.
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