The Department of Defence’s Science and Technology 2030 Strategy, titled More, together, is explicit: the 2200-strong Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG) simply doesn’t have the capacity and resources to tackle every technology challenge the Australian Defence Force faces.
It needs trusted partners who can bring the same rigour and integrity to R&D and who can then help translate it quickly into frontline service.
Research capabilities will enhance the Jindalee Operational Radar Network. Department of Defence
The University of Adelaide’s Defence and Security Institute is one of the most important of those partners with more than $65 million-worth of Defence-funded research work currently in progress.
While many of our defence-related R&D projects were once established on a stand-alone, transactional basis, academic researcher to DSTG researcher, the Institute now integrates this activity across the University’s three Faculties and deliberately seeks to build scale around key priority areas.
In partnership with UNSW and 52 partner companies, through the University of Adelaide’s recently awarded $250 million Defence Trailblazer program, Concept to Sovereign Capability, we aim to use our collective R&D skills to provide the asymmetry that the ADF needs in our worsening geopolitical circumstances and deliver impact at scale. We are also accelerating the transition from R&D into capability and helping create a robust, resilient industry sector to underpin Defence and act as a pillar for a stronger national economy.
DSTG’s More, together strategy is about tackling Defence’s priority needs and opportunities. One of its innovations are their STaR Shots – these don’t describe stand-alone technology challenges: they are problem statements requiring a combination of technologies. One STaR Shot is ‘Information Warfare’, which aims to develop information warfare capabilities integrated across human, information and physical dimensions to allow the ADF to fight in and through contested information environments.
Some of the science and technology areas that contribute to this STaR Shot include international security and political science, law, psychology, advanced cyber, artificial intelligence, communications, data fusion, encryption, advanced sensors (RF and Quantum) and semiconductor design and manufacture. University of Adelaide researchers have been working in all of these areas for years and the Defence and Security Institute is pulling their efforts together to create an integrated response.
Professor Michael Webb is the Director of the Defence and Security Institute, University of Adelaide.
Two weeks ago the Institute showcased around 22 defence R&D programs from across the University. Critically, almost all of these programs have embedded DSTG researchers. What was showcased and celebrated was precisely what More, together looks like. These range from University of Adelaide spinoff QuantX’s Cryoclock Sapphire oscillator which, under a scheduled upgrade, will dramatically enhance the performance of the JORN radar system, to the development of Ultra-Short and Short Pulsed lasers which can be configured to protect aircraft against incoming missiles by disabling their seeker heads.
This was the first time most of the University’s defence researchers came together and demonstrated the scale of our engagement with Defence. The Showcase also demonstrated that the research-commercialisation continuum is virtually complete: thanks to the Defence Trailblazer, yesterday’s research now has a clear pathway to operational capability.
One of the most important things we do is maintain a pipeline of trained researchers. Our undergraduate courses and Masters and PhD programs instil the rigour and capacity for lateral thinking that Defence needs, but we look beyond the traditional ‘hand-to-mouth’ funding that blights much Australian R&D. We want to train researchers, develop them, and keep them within the Defence innovation eco-system.
For example, we run DSTG’s Cyber Internship Program in partnership with DSTG, a 12-week program held annually for up to 16 students. Their supervisors are senior DSTG staff, the university provides a secure environment and pastoral care, and all students get a Defence security clearance – in fact, Adelaide is the first and only Australian university that is able to sponsor its own Defence security clearances, up to NV2 level. Currently we have more than 150 people cleared. Programs like this definitely aren’t money-earners but they go to a fundamental, shared need: to develop the next generation of cyber-qualified researchers.
The Defence and Security Institute is proud to be a trusted partner of DSTG. In these uncertain times, we are committed to working with DSTG, bringing our particular research strengths to the defence of our nation while helping DSTG deliver more quickly those technologies that make the difference so essential to our national security and well-being.
Professor Michael Webb is the Director of the Defence and Security Institute, University of Adelaide.