August 2024
New ageing minister held ageing stocks
Anthony Albanese’s addition to the Ministerial Code of Conduct has caused problems for a raft of his ministers.
February 2023
Platinum’s silence sets the scene for a fiery earnings call
Platinum Asset Management issued a “no comment” on Monday afternoon, choosing to stay shtum on its largest shareholder and former boss Kerr Neilson’s calls for the beaten-down fund manager to either install a new CEO or become an M&A target.
October 2021
The Star executives to face public grilling
The Star’s executives will be grilled in public hearings in March over allegations of money laundering and infiltration by organised crime figures.
June 2021
Mayne set to rain on Macquarie’s parade
The divisive activist wants companies to disclose proxy voting intentions earlier, and isn’t letting a few knock-backs get in his way.
June 2021
Moelis sidesteps the Mayne issues on Redcape
A feisty AGM has put some focus back on the fee structure that helps the former Moelis Australia profit from managing the listed Redcape Hotels Group.
April 2021
How AMP’s Pahari could make $50m on exit
Controversial AMP Capital executive Boe Pahari will take home a slice of up to $80 million in profit share accrued across the company’s funds. But analysts are split on exactly how much and investors are unlikely to learn the truth.
Rupert Murdoch doesn’t sue, but Lachlan might
News Corp heir apparent Lachlan Murdoch appears perfectly willing to send in the lawyers to deal with reputational slights.
March 2021
Bank of Queensland retail entitlements stuck in the mail
Among those missing out was none other than Brisbane-based David Goffage, a retired investment banker with a more-than-passing familiarity with such matters.
November 2020
Backing for Marks payout to keep Nine's rivals at bay
Activist shareholder Stephen Mayne says it would be a disaster for Nine if Hugh Marks went to News Corp or Seven, while other shareholders say the Nine board has strong options for a successor.
August 2020
Milton Corp gets ahead of itself
Stephen Mayne says it was 'the height of arrogance' for Milton to publish the AGM notice and proxy form before its nominations closed.
January 2020
Robert Thomson's $21.6m pay cheque no issue for AusSuper
Shareholder democracy: it isn't really democracy, is it?
November 2019
Just another freak show from Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman’s annual general meeting on Wednesday was a categorical, unalleviated freak show.
Harvey Norman institutional shareholders urged to 'bargain' at AGM
Harvey Norman's institutional shareholders have been urged to see first-hand how Gerry Harvey behaves at the AGM before they vote their shares.
Harvey Norman faces second strike but board rout bound to fail
Harvey Norman may be facing a second strike against its pay report but a spill of the entire board is unlikely to lead to a change in the guard.
Directors call for US-style proxy adviser restraints
The proposal was criticised by one local proxy advisory service, which said there was no logical reason for such a change.
The woke joke is on Harvey Norman shareholders
Harvey Norman treats minority shareholders with contempt and the Murdoch press, wholly owned, worships it for it.
Harvey Norman board push never was expected to succeed
Harvey Norman faces a second strike and board spill at its AGM as the ASA and two advisory firms recommend a protest vote against the remuneration report.
October 2019
Dreyfus denial not fooling us
Mark Dreyfus has denied he'll quit parliament for an appointment to Victoria's Supreme Court. But George Brandis denied he'd go to London.
September 2019
July 2019
Crikey coy on Kernot revelation
It's not every day you see a media outlet run away from its own story.