This Industry Insight is produced in commercial partnership with BT.
When we look at global markets over the last 10 to 15 years Australian superannuation investors have done extraordinarily well for a number of reasons.
Chief among these has been a low-interest environment coupled with quantitative easing from central banks, but what we’re seeing now is an end to this era of loose economic policy.
An environment of rising interest rates will require an active management of investment portfolios. Photo: James Alcock
Last month the US Federal Reserve lifted its benchmark interest rate for the first time since 2018 and signalled there could be six more hikes this year. What prompted this rise is a tight US labour market and inflation running at its fastest pace in 40 years.
The rise came despite current geopolitical issues, predominantly associated with the war in Ukraine, threatening global stability. The war looks likely to slow the global economy especially as sanctions start to bite Russia’s economy and Europe searches for alternative energy sources as they look to wean themselves off Russian energy.
While here, the Reserve Bank of Australia is relatively upbeat about the resilience of the Australian economy despite the current global turmoil. Recently it left interest rates steady as our inflation rate remains lower than many other countries, while unemployment is at near record lows and the overall economy is looking strong with household and business balance sheets in generally good shape.
However, it looks like we’re moving away from the era of interest rates being lower for longer to one where inflation will be higher for longer and this is changing the fundamental narrative around how investors build their investment portfolios.
Over the last 10 years, the key building blocks of investor portfolios have been fixed income strategies combined with equities. Fixed income investments have worked because the long period of low interest rates. But now as rates begin to rise, most traditional fixed income markets are likely to deliver real returns closer to zero.
For equities, it has been mostly about the large market cap US tech stocks driving up returns globally while in Australia the market has been primarily about the big banks and resources. Taking all this into account, the last 10 years have probably been an outlier in historical terms, so we have a pretty poor set of tools to evaluate the market as it moves into a more challenging era.
Bearing this in mind, the current investment environment lends itself to an active management approach in all its forms and by that, I mean a multi-manager approach.
At BT, our multi-manager approach focuses on strategic partnerships with some of the largest global fund managers who have multiple capabilities so we can rely on them not just for investment opportunities, but also to act like consultants when we talk about asset allocation, risk management and portfolio construction.
Our relationships with the likes of BlackRock and PIMCO provides us with a larger virtual investment team as we’re able to utilise their expertise to assist all of our investors.
A multi-manager approach gives investors diversity of opinion and right now there are diverging views on some of the challenges global markets are confronting.
Corrin Collocott is Chief Investment Officer at BT Financial Group.
For example, there’s diverse views on whether or not the inflation we’re currently seeing in the market will persist, especially as labour markets tighten and global supply chain problems continue.
The Ukraine situation has exacerbated risks adding complexity to a world still coping with the effects of COVID-19, as well as the continuing rise of China’s economy.
Australia’s own relationship with China remains slightly fraught. They’re one of our largest trading partners and contributors to our GDP growth but they’ve also established some relatively pernicious bans on our exports in recent years. Yet despite this, China continues to import our resources and as its economy slows, the Chinese government is likely to try to stimulate spending, which is likely to benefit Australia.
Layered on top of geopolitical risks, rising inflation and supply chain bottlenecks is the issue of climate change, which we’ve experienced first-hand in Australia over the last couple of years with intense bushfires and floods.
The challenge is setting strategies for a multi-decade risk and return profile. However, investors are responding and we’re seeing trillions of dollars’ worth of assets being managed or invested globally on a pledge to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.
Despite the risks and continuing global market volatility, at BT we believe the biggest risk to building robust investment portfolios at the moment would be if interest rates are hiked too aggressively.
That’s why we believe in our multi manager approach, using the diversification benefits of spreading an investor’s assets across many markets to manage their portfolio’s risk through challenging times like these.
Corrin Collocott is Chief Investment Officer at BT Financial Group.