


Race is on to plug $43b bank hybrid market

Doctors, self-funded retirees and wealthy families are going to have to find somewhere else to make 7 or 8 per cent a year. The first bank hybrids roll off in March.

The biggest prize in Australian capital markets is finding a new home for the final $43 billion in bank hybrids. Someone’s going to make a killing.

Already we have a couple of new listed investment trusts readying raisings – private credit managers raising ASX-listed funds to invest in debt. These vehicles are somehow back in favour, even though there are plenty already available and trading at discounts to their asset backing.

Anthony Macdonald is a Chanticleer columnist. He is a former Street Talk co-editor and has 10 years' experience as a business journalist and worked at PwC, auditing and advising financial services companies. Connect with Anthony on Twitter. Email Anthony at

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