
Stephen Grenville

August 2023

Federal Reserve chairman Jay Powell may reveal more of his thinking on the future of QE this week.

Powell won’t be solving the disinflation puzzle at Jackson Hole

The US Federal Reserve chairman is likely to repeat last year’s tactic: make a short speech, without setting out a clear view on the path to a smooth landing.

Price setters: Qantas airfares on its American route rose far more than fuel costs.

Micro-pricing a big puzzle in inflation’s persistence

The real world of price setting doesn’t look much like the supply and demand schedules of Economics 101.

June 2023

Ben Bernanke, former chairman of the Federal Reserve.

What is the new normal for rates, and when do we get there?

Ben Bernanke went a bridge too far in monetary policy after the 2008 financial crisis. We are now paying the price in a new inflationary world.

March 2023

Former Fed chairman Ben Bernanke in 2017.

Bond maturity mismatch shows why near zero rates a serious error

In time, we may come to wonder why the chief architect of the policy that has created the painful imbalances in bank balance sheets – Ben Bernanke – won the Nobel Prize.

Virginia submarine

The economic case for building nuclear subs offshore not in Adelaide

There is no point in strengthening our defence industry if we weaken the overall economy by doing so inefficiently.


October 2021

Lower bound: Globally, policy rates are negative in real terms.

Circular case for lower interest rates ignores common sense

The downward spiral in the cost of money hasn’t pushed up growth. It has distorted asset prices, and means rates must rise sooner or later.

September 2021

Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe and his deputy, Guy Debelle. A price for holding rates too low.

No point keeping money so cheap

Holding down interest rates to make inflation rise is long past any usefulness. The best way to start the painful adjustment is to begin early.

August 2021

Federal Reserve chairman Jay Powell may reveal more of his thinking on the future of QE this week.

How QE became an addiction we must learn to break

Central bankers must underline that printing money was an emergency fix, not a routine solution to economic problems.

Reserve Bank’s QE sends monetary policy back to the future

The 1980s framework was designed to make politically unpalatable decisions possible. We need to return to it.

July 2021

Blowing bubbles: John Williams, left, President and CEO of the New York Federal Reserve Bank of New York, left, has come to dominate the Fed’s policy debate over Jerome Powell.

It’s the Fed’s fault we’re stuck in low interest rate world

The US central bank’s loose money habit was poorly conceived. But it has still forced everyone else into lock-step.

April 2021

The next budget will not reverse spending.

Yes, we can spend our way to recovery if we are careful

Australia has rightly lost its fear of big deficits. But we must walk back debt in lockstep with private sector expansion.

March 2021

Professor Ross Garnaut has been critical of the RBA’s rate stance.

Blame austerity, not the RBA for post-GFC slow growth

Ross Garnaut is wrong to fault the Reserve Bank for not cutting rates during the ‘Dog Days’ of 2013-2019. The real culprit was elsewhere.

The RBA has found some businesses are preparing to extend wage freezes on their staff.

If money is practically free, why is nobody investing it?

Negative interest rates won’t help when it is clear that there are other reasons entrepreneurs have lost their mojo.

February 2021

Accenture’s report argues that as banks, fintechs and broad companies such as Amazon and Alibaba expand their digital footprints, central banks have to follow suit.

What’s gone wrong with our interest rate policy

The RBA has been forced to move in lockstep with a misguided US Federal Reserve that’s held hostage by volatile financial markets.

May 2020

Normality is at least a couple of years away

While the medical prognosis looks less alarming, the economic prospect is as grim as ever. The Reserve Bank has done what it can, now it's up to the government, writes Stephen Grenville.


March 2020

The RBA is set to take interest rates to a record low and reveal the details of an unprecedented package of measures aimed at driving down the cost of borrowing.

The government's bazooka is biggest, not the RBA's

There is only so much the RBA can do to make lenders lend and borrowers borrow. Injecting cash into companies is the government's job..

It is still possible to sell and buy most financial assets.

The RBA's job is to back banks, not bail out gamblers

There is no liquidity crisis for most financial assets, and central banks have no business buying up the lemons at the expense of the prudent.

January 2020

Reserve Bank governor Phillip Lowe supports the Philip Lowe rehearsed the same common-sense view at the Jackson Hole Symposium last August:  the public cares only whether inflation is low and stable.

Revising the inflation target is futile

With monetary policy exhausted, below-target inflation isn't holding back the economy. We need effective measures to stimulate investment and growth.

December 2019

A budget surplus is just a very expensive luxury

Budget policy is one reason for our mediocre economy. We should ignore discredited ratings agencies and spend for growth.

November 2019

New home lending would boost a sector that is over-stimulated already.

How QE would undo decades of healthy deregulation

Special purpose housing lending to swing the economy back into growth would have all sorts of dangerous consequences.

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